Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Difficulty: starter


Table of Contents

Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll be able to:

  • Tell the difference between ….

  • Create you own …

  • Import xxx

Why are limitations in place?

Most system limitations are in place for performance or security considerations. A process might for example be stopped automatically after 1 or 2 minutes to prevent this process causing an issue because an infinite loop was entered. Limits regarding file size are in place for data size management. You for example don’t want an one user to be able to upload a massive file that clogs up available storage space.

Good to know, is that all All limitation are in place to ensure an optimal end user experience!


  • Some fields in Workplace use the auto-fill search listsfunctionality. This means that after entering 3 or 4 characters, Workplace returns result suggestions in a scrollable list. By default a maximum of 50 results are returned. On client level this number can be lowered, 50 results is the system maximum.

File size limitation

Limitation for uploading data

  • Maximum The default maximum file upload size : default is 32MB. This can be changed (temporarily) increased to a maximum of 2GB in via the client settings. In the navigation menu press: Admin > Setup > “Documents” tab > Maximum upload size MB.

  • For webservice other limitations are in place. A document uploaded via a webservice can be 4 MB maximum.

File size limitation

Limitation for downloading data

  • No limitation to the maximum download size. All files that are uploaded can also be downloaded.

  • 200 files can be exported from a list page in one download action.

Limits for displaying data

Standard and advanced search results

  • When executing a standard or advanced search (for example search properties or requests in the navigation menu), 1000 results can be are displayed. This amount can be changed via the client.maxRows setting.

    • Its advised not to change this because of performance reasons.

  • Reports can be are used to display/ export queries of more than 1,000 results.

Reports/ includes

  • Reports will show a maximum of 40,00 rows and no more than 800,000 cells. Whatever is reached first determined the limit. So, if you have more than 20 columns, this will result in having less than 40,000 rows.

Limits for exporting data

  • Exporting a report: no limitation on the file size.

  • Exporting report data:

    • Export to Excel: Same as the limitation of displaying data mentioned beforeno additional limitation on top of the 40,000 rows/800,000 cells.
      Excel also has limitations. There is a maximum number of character one cell can contain (d.d. 2022-10-01 this is is 32,767 characters) and a maximum number of rows and columns. For current limitation please consult the Microsoft support page.

    • Export to CSV: 40,000 lines and 800,000 cells (whatever is reached first determined the limit)

      • Note: when using an integration export connector you can choose the file format ‘CSV dump’. For this file format there are no limitations to limitationconcerning rows and cells. However, technical restrictions apply. Meaning that formulas and the pagefield settings like “export yes/ no“ are ignored.


Depending on the process, one of the following timeouts is applicable.

  • 1 minute timeout (e.g. loading includes and executing function button)

  • 2 minute timeout

  • 10 minute timeout

  • 30 minutes (e.g. planning scripts)

When a timeout occurs, Workplace will show a timeout error or a general system error. Unfortunately, there is no one specific reason as to why a timeout occurs. More experienced consultants will learn to recognize and debug timeouts. For more complex debugging the help of our Developers is might even be required. Some tips:

  1. Retry what you where trying to do;

  2. If the timeout occurs when executing a query (run a report/ include), refine your search.


  • The default number of objects (e.g. requests) that can be queried is 120.,000. This setting can be changed per object, but only on server level. This means that when you have 130,000 REQs in your environment

Workorder schedule

  • Work order schedule schedules generate a maximum of 300 work orders. This is a server setting.

Non-production servers: test and backup servers

  • Lower performance levels compared to our production servers.

  • These servers do not have a guaranties uptime/ availability. Nonetheless, we do our best to have them available as much as possibleat all time.

  • A maximum of 1,000 emails can be send on a non-production server since a server was rebooted (e.g. after a release). This email counter is reset when restarting the server. This maximum can only be increased via a server setting by Workplace Development.


Rw ui textbox macro
  • All limitation are in place to ensure an optimal end user experience.


  •  N/A


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