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Difficulty: novice


Table of Contents

Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll be able to:

  • Perform the Solution-based rollout for corrective workorders.

How to navigate to the rollout

To start the solution-based rollout for corrective workorders, we have to navigate to the starboard. Then click: Solution-based rollout and select corrective workorders. After selecting workorders click Rollout selected solutions. This will provide you with a short explanation like the one below.

After this a new page will open:

Steps to follow

Step 1 Settings to be determined


Tip: We go over the settings in the table below. However, hovering over the field you are filling in will often provide you with the same help text.

Use corrective workorders

Determine whether it is possible to create workorders from a request. If you choose the option ‘Based on problemtype' , then you’ll get the option to use the setting 'Use corrective workorders' on every problemtype.

Approve workorders

Determines whether a task is generated to approve the workorder after execution or that this step will be skipt.

Financial processing workorder

Determines whether a task is generated to financially handle the workorder after approval or that the workorder skips this step and is closed.

Auto close request via workorder

After approving the workorder, the request will be automatically handled (if no other workorders are still open for this request). The solution field of the request will automatically get the same value as the solution field of the workorder (if the request solution field is not already filled).

Use catalog items in corrective workorder

Determine if catalog items can be added to a corrective workorder. Catalogitems in the category 'Workorder items' can be selected. With this, for example, a standard service can be linked to the work order (with an agreed price).

Use preferred suppliers 

This setting determines whether other settings and navigation menu options are shown to (authorized) users.

In the pre defined settings tab we go over some settings that cannot be changed in the SBR.

titlePre-defined settings

Then there are some predefined settings, if these need to be adjusted this should be done via ‘Setup’ button om your startBoard → ‘Processes’ tab→ ‘Workorders, quotations and checklist’ tab.



Mandatory to upload signed workorder form

Determine whether it is mandatory to upload a signed workorder receipt when the workorder is finished.

Mandate approval corrective workorders

Determine if and which mandate approval is used in the corrective workorder process. Fot further details hoover over the option in the SBR or client settings.

Use quotations 

This setting only determines whether the other settings and navigation menu options are shown to (authorized) users.

Check conflicting scheduled employee

Determine if a check is executed when adding an internal employee as contractor within a workorder, which is already planned in a different workorder and overlappes (startdate and enddate). An alert is shown, but the alert is not blocking.

Use inventory items in corrective workorder

Determine if inventory items can be added to a corrective workorder. Inventory items with catalog items in the category 'Workorder items' linked to it, can be selected.

Plan corrective workorders via planboard

Determine if corrective workorders can be planned via the planboard.

Supplier access

Determine if suppliers are able to log in Axxerion and handle workorders themselves.

Step 2 Start this rollout



In contrast to other rollouts you might notice that you do not have the option to generate an end user profile. To make corrective workorders available in end user profiles, the authorization groups (e.g. Workorder executor and Workorder executor user) need to be:

  1. added to an existing user profile, or;

  2. you can use the ‘Create userprofile’ button on your startBoard

More on configuring profiles in User profiles.

  • The settings' Generate key user profile' will be set to ‘Yes’ by default. Don’t change this setting unless you want to create the profile manually.

  • You need to add the authorization groups to end user profiles manually 


What happens when clicking the green Start button in this wizard step?

  • User profiles (if indicated to generate) are generated. The profile that is created is the Corrective workorder manager, for users that monitor the corrective workorders (more on profiles in User profiles).


In the solution-based rollout user groups are automatically added to the user profiles that are created after completing the first steps. The following groups can be assigned to users:




4. Corrective workorder manager


Group has acces to workorders (via navigation menu) and can execute all tasks within the corrective workorder process.

6. Workorder executor user


Group is used in the workorder proces to indicated the work is finished. If the Contractor is a user, this contact is used, otherwise the contact that is responsible for the werkorder is used.

6. Workorder executor


Group is used to authorize the user that is responsible in the work order.

6. Planner via planboard


Group is used to plan corrective workorders via the planboard.

6. Mandate approver context workorder


Group is automatically assigned to the mandate approvers in the workflow.

  • Workflow emails are automatically created for the corrective workorder workflow. More on these emails in the next step (More on workflows in Workflows basics).

  • Imports are generated. More on this in the next step.

Step 3 Check data and close the rollout.

On the next page we can check all items that have been created. This also contains a checklist we can follow.

  • Import files: The file that is created is for importing suppliers, suppliercontacts and workorder catalog items.

    • navigate to the “Relevant imports” include

    • Click Generate import template

    • Click the download icon next to the loop to download the template.

    • Send files to the client

  • Import files receives and approved

    • If relevant, check if objects are imported successfully.

    • Click Upload import file and upload the import file obtained from the customer. For more info on imports look into.

  • To see what workflow emails have been created we navigate to the Generated workflow emails include. We can take a closer look at the individual emails by clicking on the hyperlinks but for more info on workflow emails check /wiki/spaces/KB/pages/25034763.

  • Close the rollout.

Where do I find the settings I selected

General reservation settings can be found in the client settings: press the ‘Setup’ tile on your startBoard > ‘Processes’ tab > ‘Workorders, quotations and checlists’ tab.


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Steps in the Solution Based Rollout:

  • Determine settings

  • Start rollout

  • Check data and close


  •  #1
  •  #2
  • N/A


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