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Difficulty: novice


Table of Contents

Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll be able to:

  • get a high level understanding of Workplace Dashboards

Frequently Asked Questions on Dashboards

Workplace Dashboards are build on Qlik, a 3rd party application.

titleUser not able to Why don't I see all the info in the dashboard correctly on his my screen?

Make sure that the Display resolution is recommended for the used screen size and that the scale is set to 100% - then dashboard features like the Average Occupancy Per Hour Grid should come up nicely, also when making the browser a bit smaller than full screen.

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titleMost charts allow export, yet this is missing for eg hour-day

The "hour/day chart" or "Average occupancy per hour" visualization is what is called a “tabbed container” (a widget nesting several charts). Tabbed containers cannot be exported as such, but you can export the individual charts. Right click on a chart to get the export option

titleExport of floor plan showing ID, not description

When exporting the data of the floorplan, it lists the location ID but not the location reference. This makes it very difficult to interpret in the export.

The room_name is used as “tooltip” on the floorplan that shows when you hover over it. Within Cobundu, we need the room_id as a dimension to keep the relation between the polygon and the room data. The export from the floorplan therefore has this room_id and not the room_name which is only a display parameter.

As a workaround, there is a spaces table in the Scope & Capacities sheet which you can export, and that maps the location id with reference and other paramameters.

titleCreate How can I create customer specific bookmarks?

You can now also save your filter selections by creating your own bookmarks

  • Make filter selection(s) and create a bookmark on that snapshot view Optionally you can save the sheet location in the bookmark (default: ON)

  • At any time during the same or a next dashboard session, you can click on the bookmark to return to your saved view


All bookmarks (default (public) and own) are available under the bookmark button

  • Your own bookmarks are shared between your colleague users of the dashboard

  • Bookmarks are particular to one dashboard (For example, bookmarks defined in Space Monitor will not be available in Comfort Monitor)

titleWhy am I able to filter on some grouping categories, but not on all?

Dynamic groups are not part of the timeslot data. Only the Zones from the static location grouping are brought to the dashboards.

For more information see Mapping neighborhoods on floorplans

Valid for ALL sensors: for the sensors to eventually turn up in the dashboards, the sensors need to be triggered.


If none of the sensors linked to a specific zone are triggered, the zone will not show up in the dashboard. On the other hand: not triggered sensors generally means that zone is not used…

Time Zones

Time Zone settings for sensors are required for all tenants; the system will however try to determine it depending system settings either from IWMS or from Workplace by means of a waterfall system: if one is detected, that setting is used (ignoring the rest of the waterfall steps).

Using the wrong setting will result in offset in the week overview. Changing the time zone will not recursively correct earlier sensor recordings, this needs then to be manually triggered by the Workplace development team.


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