Create a new contract?1. To add a contract, open the contract menu and click on the first option: “Contracts.”  2. Click on “Create new contract” to create a new contract. 3. You will see a new screen with three steps: Contract Information > Duration > Reminder. This wizard will guide you through the process of creating a new contract. 4. In the “Contract information” step, we need to provide information in the following fields. The fields marked with an * are mandatory. After filling in the necessary information press “Next step” to go to the next tab. Hover over the field for a couple of seconds to view the help text. Field name | Description |
Category | Choose the option fitting the contract. | Name | Fill in the name of the other party. | Payment | Define if the contract is: to pay, receive a payment, both ways, or there is no payment involved. | External Reference | A reference of an external party | Description | A description of the contract | Party 1 | In most cases, your own company | Party 2 | The party which is involved in this contract. Choose one of the already created contacts. | Main document | Upload the contract document here. This can also be uploaded after finishing the wizard. |
 5. The “Duration” step is about the duration of the contract. After entering the necessary details, press “Next step” to continue. Field name | Description |
Original start date | This is the original start date of the contract before any renewals. | Duration | The duration of the contract | Term of notice | A term's notice is use before the last day of the time and expires at the end of the next term. You can set here the period for it. | Renewal after the end of the previous period | These options are supported: None: The period will not be extended Automatic: new contract periods will be created automatically. Possible: The period needs to be extended manually. Month to month: will be extended for a year Year to year: will be extended for a year
 6. The last step before finalizing the contract is “Reminder” step. Once these field are filled in, click on “Registration done” to finish the contract. Field name | Description |
Automatic end period reminder | Yes or No, if yes there will be an automatic reminder sent based on your settings | Send reminder X days before term of notice period | How many days before the notice term do you want a reminder sent? The period can be set in days. | Contract reminder to | Choose to whom the reminder needs to be sent. |

Info |
The status of the contract is set automatically. Draft: The contract start date has not occurred yet. Active: the start date has commenced, but the end date of the period or termination date has not occurred yet. Terminated: the termination date has been entered and has occurred. Expired: the end date of the period has occurred and the contract has not been renewed.
An expired contract can still be renewed or will be canceled. If the contract is renewed, a new period will be generated or the current period will be extended (depending on the period schedule). |