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Difficulty: novice


Table of Contents

Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll be able to:

  • Know what corrective work orders are

  • Create a new work order.

Corrective work orders

Corrective work orders are created within a request and are used to plan, execute, and monitor the work
that comes from the request for contractors (internal employees or external suppliers).

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There are several reasons to use corrective work orders within requests:

  • If more a contractors is needed to handle a request. it is also possible to create multiple work orders from one request.

  • Option to register costs. By adding work order items with planned and actual costs.

  • For planned work. Work order have a start- and end date.

titleCreate a work order (from a request)

Create a work order (from a request)

Users who are currently responsible for a request can create a work order within that request. By default, the creator of the work order will become the person internally accountable for the work order. This person can be changed by the creator if necessary. The “corrective workorder manager” and the other members of the service desk group responsible for the request can also execute the workflow tasks.

Follow the next steps to create a work order:

  1. Open the request

  2. Press the button ‘Create work order’

3. The request status ow changes to ‘Awaiting workorder(s)’ and a workorder is created. The user that creates the work order is set as 'Internal responsible'.

4. Fill in the details of the work order.

5. On the bottom of the page you will see four tabs that allows you to add a detailed description, Documents, Costs, and link Assets.

6. EXECUTION: decide who is responsible for handeling handling the work order:

  • Check/ change the default 'treatment group'

  • Check/ change the ‘internal responsible’ handle the work order further

  • Select a contractor if you want to forward the work order externally. If you do not want to send an email to the contract, set “Send work order via Mail = no”. When left empty or set to ‘yes’ an email will be send.

7. Use the “Submit” button” or the “Forward Work Order” button (by using this function, you skip the planning step so make sure the time and date are correct).

Mandate approval

incorporating a mandate approval within the corrective work order process is possible. Based on the settings, a user or several users must approve the work order before the contractor can start. The work order can be approved or rejected with a mandatory reason.

When all work orders within a request have been handled, the request will automatically go to the status ‘Handle.’ The request can then be closed, or additional work orders can be created.

titleAutomatically create a Work Order

Automatically create a Work Order

It is possible to automatically create (and assign) a corrective work order from a submitted request. To be able to do this you need to set “Auto create work order” on “Yes” for a problem type. This can for example be used when a certain problem always need to be solved by a contractor, like flooding of the parking garage.

titleHandle a work order

Handle a work order

By default the creator of the work order will become the person internally responsible for the work order. These person can be changed by the creator if necessary. He/she is responsible for almost all tasks within the process. The corrective work order manager and the other members of the Service desk group responsible for the request are also able to execute the workflow tasks.

There are several steps with different options for proceeding with an work order.
For more in depth information about the steps, read further down the article.

Step 1:

  • Forward work order
    Make sure you plan the workorder work order (set dates and time). When you than forward the workorder work order it will be assigned to the responsible person.

  • Start quotation process
    A tendering process can be started and will be linked to this work order by using this button

Step 2:

  • Work Finished
    If the work is done, select this option to proceed in the process.

  • Reschedule
    If the work cannot be carried out, reschedule the work order.

  • Retract
    The status of the request will change back to “submitted” and various fields can be filled in again. For example use this if the request is assigned to the wrong contractor. Don’t forget to assign the work order again!

Step 3:

  • Approve
    If the job is executed as expected and the work order is filled in completely.

  • Reject
    Reject the work order, for example the it is not done correctly. When the work order is rejected, the status will change to “Rejected” and you will be able to reschedule the work order. Retract
    This way the work order is reset to the "Submitted" status and can be rescheduled.

Plan/ reschedule work order

Explain how this works

Plan/ reschedule work order
titleMandate approval

Mandate approval

Awaiting approval

partially approved



titleStart quotation process

Start quotation process

A tendering process can be initiated if it is not yet sure which supplier will execute the work. Based on the setting, the tendering process will be performed outside Workplace Management or via the tendering process in Workplace Management. When initiating a tendering process from a corrective work order, the work order items will automatically be created as quotation items within the tendering process. After accepting the best quotation, the work order items will be updated (price, etc.)

For more info see the article about quotation.

titlePlan/ reschedule work order

Plan/ reschedule work order

Before you forward the work order, you need to plan when the order needs to be executed. You can set a start time and end time.

If the work order can`t be done on the planned time, you can reschedule it by using the reschedule or retract option to be able to plan a new time and submit the work order

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titleMandate approval

Mandate approval

It is possible to execute a mandate approval within the corrective work order process. Based on the settings, a user or several users need to approve the work order before the contractor can start the work. The work order can be approved or rejected with a mandatory reason.


The different persons who can be assigned for an approval could be a manager and/or a group of user(s) which is based on the problem type.

Awaiting approval
The work order needs to be approved, before it goes to a contractor.

  • partially approved
    The work order have not yet received all approvals that are necessary.

  • Approved
    The work order is approved an can be forwarded to the contractor.

  • Rejected
    The work order is rejected and the work order needs to replanned.

titleWork finished

Work finished

If the work order is finished (the contractor says so) you can put the work order on the status “Work Finished” by using the “Work Finished” button.

In case the work order has any inventory items, the system will check if the materials have been checked out. Before finishing a work order it is also necessary (determined by a setting) to upload a “Signed work order document.”

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The work order will be sent to the initial requester who can approve the job.

titleFinancial administration

Financial administration

If a work order is approved after reviewing, then a task will be created for the “Financial Adminstration” to take care for the incoming invoice(s). If that part is handled the work order will be closed.

More information about incoming invoices, see the article about incoming invoices.


Rw ui textbox macro
  • Corrective work orders can be created within a request and are used to plan, execute, and monitor the work.

  • Use the “Work Order” button in a request to create a work order.


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