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Difficulty: starter


Table of Contents

Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll be able to:

  • Open your user profile and understand the most important personal settings.

Changing your personal settings

You can adjust your personal settings by opening your profile.

  1. Press on your name on the top right of the screen.

  2. Click on ‘profile’ to open your user profile.

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via the ‘My settings’ button on your startBoard.

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Depending on your access rights some settings explained in this article might not be visible or editable for you.

General tab

Change language

On Via the general tab you can:

  • View general information and change settings.

  • Enable delegation.

  • Change your username/ password (button on the bottom of the page).

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language setting you can select one of the supported languages. After selecting a langues, your browser will refresh and apply the new setting.

Enable delegation

In Axxerion Workplace Management users get tasks via a workflow. For example approve a work order or to extend a contract. When absent (holiday/illness), delegation can be enabled. In this case When enabled your tasks will also appear in the task list of the delegate contact. To enable delegation:

  1. Click on the 'My settings’ button;

  2. Set ‘Delegation = yes’;

  3. Choose the colleague to whom you want to delegate your tasks in the field

‘Delegate’ with the person who should receive the tasks and set 'Delegation active = yes'.
  1. “Delegate tasks to”. This field is mandatory;

  2. The fields ‘Delegation

  1. active from’ and ‘Delegation

  1. active until’ are optional.

Settings tab

Due to access restrictions the settings tab might not be available for you. Frequently used setting settings are explained in the table below.




PDF font size

Font size when exporting data to e.g. Excel or PDF. When the field is left empty a default font size of 8 is used.


Default value 'Only open'

Determined the default value for ‘Only open' when using a search(view) page. When set to 'yes’ Workplace will only return open objects. A reservation in the past will for example not be returned.

Remember only open

When enables, changing the filter value ‘Only open’ will be remembered until the user is logged out.

Recently used objects

Number of object/ pages shown on the user’s history page. Default is 10, minimum number of objects/ pages shown is 1. The setting will be active the next time you login.


Rw ui textbox macro
  • Personal settings are found on the top right of the page;

  • You can use delegation when you’re absent.


  •  N/A


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