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Inflow / Mutation / Outflow
The inflow/ Mutation mutation/outflow (IMO) process is used to register and manage all tasks and (the handing out of) facilities associated with the inflow (on boardingonboarding) of new employees, changes in the function (mutations) of employees, and the outflow of employees. These activities can be performed by different departments depending on the specific task or facility.
These tasks can be any type of task and can be created and managed by the client.
Examples of these tasks are:
Giving out a Laptop to a new employee by the IT department
Changing the access codes for an employee who is changing positions by the facility desk
Notify the manager about the first day of work of the new employee
Taking the laptop back in when an employee leaves
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FunctionsThe different (Employee) functions that are used, can be defined via the menu "Employees" and choosing the option "Functions". This is a list of all the functions (e.g. Director, HR manager, Office manager, Consultant) and these functions are used in the next part, to determine what intake tasks are needed for a (new) employee, based on there function. Function provisionsVia function provisions (menu option under "Employees"), the different tasks and facilities that are required or optional for the inflow and outflow of employees can be added. Provisions can be defined as two things:
Per function provision, the following fields and options are available:
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Task lists provisionsEvery function provision in the previous part will generate a separate intake task to be handled by the treatment group. In order to avoid a lot of administrative clicking, and bundle multiple tasks together in one task (without the need for a separate proces for each task), it is possible to configure task lists (a list of task names and the order in which these tasks are displayed in a list). A task list can be added to a Function provision and is the also shown in a intake task that is generated based on this function provision. The intake task can be handle just like any other intake task, but the task list is also shown and each of the items in the task list can be set to "executed" (Yes/no) with the possibility to add a comment. This makes it possible to only have one main task (E.g. "HR tasks for the inflow of a new employee") to have to (administratively) handle, but a list of "Sub" tasks can be shown to the treatment group, as a reminder to do all of those tasks, before handeling this (main) task. For example: -Create copies of the passport of the employee, Sign the employee in for the introduction program, register the names and phone numbers of the emergency contacts of the employees". N.B: Task lists are only optional and not needed for a correct inflow proces |
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InflowAfter the above objects are all registered, the actual inflow process of new employees can start. An inflow can be created via the tab "Issue/take in" wihtin the context of a specific employee. The employee will then be set automatically in the inflow, as well as the planned date (set on the "Hire date" of the employee). An inflow can also be created via the left menu option "Issue/take in" and the employee and planned date need to be set in the first step of the inflow proces.. After the employee and the planned date are set, the inflow can be submitted and will get the status "Submitted". The system will have generated all the basic intake tasks for this inflow, based on the function provision settings (in relation to the function of this employee). In this status, the inflow/outflow manager can still added additional intake tasks (Any function provision can be added if desirable, even if the function provision is not related to the function of the employee) and remove intake tasks. Next to that the treatment group of a specific intake task can be changed (To give users the freedom to divert from the standard settings, if in this specific situation, the tak needs to be done by another group). After all the relevant tasks are added for this inflow, the inflow manager can forward the inflow via the function "Composition completed". Based on the client setting (Review IMO (manager) (Yes/No) the manager of the new employee will receive a task to approve the inflow (or changes some of the intake tasks (e.g. add or remove some of the tasks/facilities needed for this employee) if this setting is "yes". If the setting "Review IMO (manager)" is set to "No" or the manager has approve the inflow, the inflow will get the status "In progress" and the sub workflow's for all the intake tasks are started. Each of the intake tasks needs to be completed (or cancelde) before the inflow will progress to the next status. Inflow tasksAs stated above, each of the intake tasks also follows a workflow. This workflow has the following options:
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MutationThe mutation proces is equal to the inflow proces, with the only difference in how intake tasks are (automatically) generated and the possibility that some intake tasks for type "Provision" require the intake (instead of the handing out) of an asset. Automatically generating intake tasks In case of a mutation (an employee changes functions), the system (after the mutation is submitted) will generate the intake tasks based on the new function of the employee, but also checks what facilities (based on active object use) the employee currently has, that are no longer relevant for the new function (no function provisions for this function and provision combination) . For those facilities, intake tasks are generated (To take in the asset instead of give it out). Next to that, in the next step (Submitted), the inflow/outflow manager can also add extra tasks for the intake of facilities (selection options are based on the current assets the employee has). Intake tasks to take in a provision Intake tasks for the intake of a facility, differ to the intake tasks to give out a facility in the following ways: -The asset is automatically set in the intake task (no need to select it) -In the intake task, the function "Take in" needs to be executed (which will set the endDate of the object use) before the task can be handled |
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OutflowThe outflow proces is equal to the inflow proces, with the only difference in how intake tasks are (automatically) generated and the possibility that the intake tasks for type "Provision" require the intake (instead of the handing out) of an asset. When the outflow is submitted, all the tasks related to the function of the employee or without a function (applies to all) with type "Outflow task" will be generated. Next to that, just like in the mutation proces for assets that are no longer needed for the new function, based on all the object use, intake tasks are generated to take in alle the assets. These tasks are assigned to the same group that gave the asset out to the employee in the first place. |
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