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Difficulty: novice


Table of Contents

Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll be able to:


Compliance means adhering to a set of rules, such as a policy, standard, specification, or law. In some cases, compliance is voluntary. In other cases, compliance is mandatory. Businesses must obey certain regulatory compliance obligations, such as minimum wage laws or environmental, health, and safety regulations.



What is legislation? Legislation is a law or set of rules relating to a particular activity.

To navigate to the compliance task, navigate via the menu option “Compliance” to “Legislation.”

First, you can set a search query with the following filter options.
For example, you can filter on a name or a object it is related to. You can also leave it empty to create an overview without any filters.

You will get an overview of the different legislations. The items with an “+” in front of them you can open to see the items in that group.

The view is divided in five rows:

  • Name: the name of the legislation

  • Related to: is it related to an property, asset or etc.

  • Country: the country where this legislation applies

  • Code: the code of the legislation

  • Client specific legislation: is it a client specific? Yes or no.

  • Last update: the date of the last update

  • Cover page: a preview of the cover view.

To open a legislation, click on the name. To add a new legislation press the “Add legislation” button.

titleCompliance overview

Compliance overview

To navigate to the compliance overview, click on the “Compliance overview” tile on your Compliance dashboard or navigate via the menu option “Compliance” to “Compliance overview.”
Here you will see different overviews regarding compliance documents.

First, you can set a search query for your overview with the following filter options.
For example, you can filter on a specific property or legislation. You can also leave it empty to create an overview without any filters.

The compliance items are sorted into different categories; here are a few examples:

  • Expired documents (no longer compliant)

  • Documents with a reminder of the expiration date

  • Missing documents (based on linked legislation)

By using the “Export the Excel” button(s) in the include, you can export a list of your compliance items per category. If you want to export the complete overview, use the “Export to Excel” button on the top right corner. The items are all color coded: the meaning of the colors are as noted next:

  • Red
    Not compliant

  • Blue
    Document not applicable

  • Green

So now you can see on which items an action is needed. You can click on the reference or asset/property to see the item’s details.

titleCompliance graphs

Compliance graphs

To navigate to the compliance graphs, click on the “Compliance graphs” tile on your Compliance overview page or navigate via the menu option “Compliance” to “Compliance graphs.”

First, you can set a search query for your graphics. For example, you can filter on a specific property or legislation. You can also leave it empty to create an overview without any filters. Works the same as the same for Compliance overviews.

Here you will see different graphics regarding compliance documents. A few examples of graphics that are shown are:

  • Compliance score assets per legislation

  • Compliance score documents

To export the graphics to Excel, use the “Export to Excel” button on the top right corner. All the graphs will be exported into one Excel file, different graphs are put in separate tabs.

titleCompliance tasks

Compliance tasks

To navigate to the compliance task, click on the “Compliance task” tile on your Compliance overview page or navigate via the menu option “Compliance” to “Compliance tasks.”

You can filter on the person to whom the tasks are assigned to.

You will see a list with the task for that specific person, the one you selected in the filter. The task alos have a color code, so you can see which task has priority.

How to handle a compliance task

Let`s take look how to handle different task
Click on the “Document Reference” to open a task.

  • Register initial reference date
    Enter the initial reference date (usually this is the commissioning date of the object). Based on this date, the initial expiration date of this document is determined. Press the “Save and return” button to finish this task.

  • Upload/submit new document
    Use the 'Upload' button to upload a new document. Make sure the 'Last execution date' is up-to-date and indicate whether any blocking remaining points apply. Then click on 'Submit new document' to finish the task.

  • Remaining points handled
    As the remaining points have been handled add a description, the handle date must be entered and the delivery document regarding the remaining points can be uploaded via the paperclip next to the 'Delivery document remaining points' field. Press the “Remaining points handled” button to finish the task.

titleCompliance Assets

Compliance Assets

To navigate to Compliance assets, navigate via the menu option “Compliance” to “Compliance Assets.”

Here you can set a filter for a search query for “Compliance Assets”.

After a search: a list of assets with compliance rules added will show up:

Click on the reference to open an asset to view the details.

How to add “Compliance” to an asset

To use “Compliance” with an asset, the field “Compliance applicable” must be set on “Yes” and the tab “Compliance” will be available.

Here you can add “Code” to an asset.

In the include on the “Compliance” tab, you have three different tabs.

  • Linked legislations
    On this tab you can add legislations that applies to this asset by using the “Assign legislation” button and search for the desired legislation(s), select one or more and press the “Assign selected legislations” on the bottom to add them.

  • Legislations documents
    Here you can find a list of legislations documents related to the asset

  • Users authorized in this context (Compliance)
    A list of user authorized in this context will be shown here.
    You have the option to give users authorization to regarding the compliance of this asset by using the “Add” button in this tab.

    You can give different rights to a users: view, approve, manage documents and upload .
    Choose the rights and as last step selected the users you want to give the rights.

titleLegislation suggestions

Legislation suggestions

To navigate to “Legislations suggestions”, navigate via the menu option “Compliance” to “Legislation suggestions.” The suggestions are based on assets with assigned codes without a legislation linked to them.

Search for a legislation suggestion by using the search query, if the list is empty or you don`t see the the one you are looking for press the “Generate legislation suggestions.”

If there is more than one option you will need to choose/select the legislation from a list. If there is only one option this will be selected automatically.

titleCompliance documents

Compliance documents

To navigate to “Compliance documents”, navigate via the menu option “Compliance” to “Compliance documents.”

Search for compliance documents by using filling in the search query

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fields and press the “Search” button.
To open a document click on the reference link.

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Here you can see the general details of the document. For example if an approval is needed and the frequency. You can upload new documents by using the corresponding button. If the document is not complaint anymore, you will also see a warning in red letters on the top right corner.

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titleCompliance codes

Compliance codes

To navigate to “Compliance codes”, navigate via the menu option “Compliance” to “Compliance codes.”

Search for compliance codes by using filling the search query fields and press the “Search” button.
To open a compliance code click on the reference link.

You can add new codes by using the two buttons “Generate codes from standard list” and “Add new code”

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Generate codes from standard list

Add new code


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