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To work around this, you can opt to have us copy the data, per generic endpoint / device type level for any desired amount of time.


The following chapter describes step by step how to set up a generic endpoint and sensor data stream.

NotePrerequisites: We assume that this is part of a bigger projectan existing collaboration, where a tenant and locations are already set up.

Step 1 - Project start-up

Book a ticket on the Spacewell Extranet under "Cobundu requests > Other service request" (nature: "Cobundu Others") to inform the support team about this new API-project.
title1.1 Inform the Spacewell Support Team
Launch the Generic Endpoint API mini project

Reach out to your Spacewell Account Manager to inform us about this new API-project.

Include following information:

  • Indicate which tenant is involved

  • Indicate which type of sensors are targeted (PIR, Headcount, Doorcount, ...)

  • Request an end-point : you will receive a vendor ID and authentication token (needed for step 1.4)

  • Request a "Device ID" prefix (needed for step 6.1)

  • Indicate NetSuite task ID

title1.2 Schedule the Kickoff meeting

Organize In a Kickoff meeting with the stakeholders from all 3 parties, the goal of the project and next steps are discussed.

title1.3 Setup the location master data

Make sure the master data (buildings, floors, locations) are already uploaded.

title1.4 Share the Integration Documentation

Send this page to the 3rd party the API documentation to the sensor provider. On this page In the document, you'll see that there is a placeholder for the <sensor vendor> URL and for the bearer <token>.

Let the 3rd party know what their specific url URL and token are based on the information you receive from the Spacewell support team from step 1.1.

View file
nameGeneric endpoint_Technical Documentation.docx


To make life easier

for your customer and the sensor provider

, you can

of course

remove from the document all sensor types that are not in scope of


the project.
If you’re targeting another type of sensor, please ask Workplace Product Management to look into the possibilities and

set up

create the API



Step 2 - Make sure all questions are resolved

title2.1 Info session between Spacewell and 3rd party

If the client or sensor provider has any Any questions regarding the API document should be addressed to the Spacewell Implementation Consultant, who will take them up these questions with Workplace Product Management.

The Workplace Team might also have questions for the sensor provider and needs to provide the bearer token.

title2.2 Handshake on what to do

Agreement from both parties on the tasks ahead.

Step 3 - Development & testing


The sensor provider develops the link between their sensors and Spacewell’s the Spacewell API using the provided documentation. The Customer delivers stays involved by providing location master data if necessary.

How to test generic endpoint




Ask the sensor provider to activate some sensors to see if they’re reaching our webhook (ask Ihor to check the logs).

In case request is not successful, the endpoint returns 4xx-5xx status codes depending on the occurred issue. The requestor may want to store failed requests and try re-sending them later.

In case of successful request, the endpoint returns 200 status code with an empty body.

View file

Step 4 - Sensor Installation  & configuration


titleSensor configuration

Make sure you have sensor IDs, Location master data, sensor plan (if available), and mapping between rooms and sensor IDs. From this step, you follow the normal setup process in Spacewell back-end Studio for configuring sensors.

titleConfiguration in Studio

Inquire the list of the sensors (Sensors ID) and use download/upload excel function functionality of Spacewell back-end Studio for batch upload.

Fill in Device Type, Device ID and location ID if already available.

Please be aware that only after the next data package is send, data for this sensor will be visible in your tenant. (This means that depending on time of upload to Studio and activity at the customer site, this can take a while.)

You can manually add a record via "Add New Device"

  1. Go to Studio Spacewell back-end and log in

  2. Select a location in the location tree

  3. Go to “Devices” > “Add New Device”

  4. Select the source Device Type "Generic …” (eg for PIR: "Generic 'PIR")

  5. Fill in the device ID: a "Device ID" prefix will be given by the development team

  6. Give a meaningful name (incl sensor name)

  7. Select the model, e.g. for PIR: "Generic PIR"

  8. Select the correct organization/tenant

  9. Click saveLocation will be filled in based on your pre-selection in the location tree

  10. Submit your request to create a new device

titleSensor mapping

Go to your tenant and change the location ID for each Sensor in the tenant's Sensor Devices.

Step 5 - Validation & acceptance

titleValidation checks

High level sub-steps:

  • ‪Sensor sanity check

  • Before rolling out the entire floor (s)or adding additional floors, plan a sanity check to make sure every installed sensor is alive

  • Once the sanity check is OK, continue the installation

  • ‪Reporting sanity check

  • After 1 day, you should see the data coming in the Workplace dashboard

Check How to test generic endpoint.pptx

titleAcceptance & Project Closure

Once the Project is implemented, make sure to finalize the customer signs project in an Acceptance Document (example here: .

View file
nameAcceptance document-Project.docx


A successful project delivery is celebrated with a glass of Belgian beer, after we received the delivery sign-off.