Versions Compared


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Difficulty: starter/ novice/ expert/ legend


Table of Contents

Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll be able to:

  • Set user access in the context of a property.

Contextual rights per property

Assigning access rights in the context of a property is a useful way to separate the availability of the property data in Workplace Management. Not all users need to see and edit information for every property in the systemWhen a user has contextual rights to a certain property or area in the system, they cannot see or edit the property information for the properties or areas that they do not have contextual rights to. Moreover, the contextual rights will also hinder the possibilities of creating objects such as requests, reservations, and purchase orders for the properties that they do not have access to. It is possible to add access rights for one user on multiple properties


To use contextual access to properties, this setting must be switched on by Module settings > Master Data > Properties and areas.

titleContextual access groups

Contextutal access groups

There are three access right groups that can be set in the context of a property:

  • View areas and properties

    • If the access to the property or area is set in the context of this group, the user is only able to view the information on the property or area.

    • The user can also make objects such as requests, reservations and purchase orders etc. for this property or area.

  • Edit properties and areas

    • In addition to rights granted by the group “View areas and properties”, user can also edit the information of the property or area.

  • Reservation coordinator

    • If the reservation coordinator group is added in the context of a property or area, the reservation coordinator has only access to the reservations is limited to those relevant for this property or area. This also applies to the reservation calendar.

There are two ways of managing the contextual access to a property or area.

title1. Via the instance page of the property or area

1. Via the instance page of the property or area

When contextual access to properties have been activated in the environment, there will be a new tab “Authorized users”, on the instance page of a property or area. The list of users with contextual access to a particular property or area is managed on the subsequent instance pages. Thiscan be managed via this tab.

To add a new user to this list:

  1. Navigate to a property or area;

  2. Click on the “Authorized” users tab;

  3. Add a user who should have access to this property;

  4. Select the desires access right group.;

title2. Via the system user page

2. Via the system user page

A user manager can add the contextual access to a property or an areas by navigating to the corresponding includes include on the system user page.

  1. Select a system user;Click on the tab “Properties to which this user is authorized” or the “Properties to which this user is authorized”

    Image Removed

  1. Click on add;

    Image Added
  2. Select the properties

or areas
  1. the user should have access to;

  2. Click “Assign selected

properties (areas)”
  1. properties”;

  2. Select the desired contextual group(s);


Rw ui textbox macro
  • line 1

  • line 2A user can be assigned contextual rights to properties and areas.

  • Control that To use contextual rights to properties and areas


  •  #1
  •  #2


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