By default, only the contacts module and document modules the documents module are available. You always need to use contacts (persons , and organizations), since users are created based on contacts, and without users, there is no use.
Any other module (including the other master data objects like Properties, Areas, Assets, and Catalog items) must always be activated via the module activation option on the startboard of for level 2 and level 3 administrators. (For more information about administrators levels, see 'Administrator levels' : https://spacewell.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/21692419/Initialize+the+environment#Administrator-level)
The module activation is used to guide the user through the (short) process of setting up a module with the most relevant default settings and options. Once a module is activated, the (default and in some cases additional) settings are managed via the module settings (also available found on the administrator startboard).
How it works
Configuration is needed to activate a module. The module activation process guides the user through the module (or solution) configuration options required to activate the module or solution. These steps consist of (pre-defined or selectable) settings, authorizations, imports, and workflow emails.
The option to activate a module will always be available and is used to activate a specific module only.
Activating a module: What it does
If you select a module and press ‘Activate selected module’, a check is done if you are allowed to already activate the module since some modules require other modules to be activated first. If this is the case, you will see a clear error message.
Closing the module activation process after it is started does not lead to any additional automatic actions, apart from closing the process. As long as the process is not yet closed, it will be shown on the administrator startboard (Not yet handled module activations) visible for all level 2 and 3 administrators. If all the tasks are handled within a module activation, it can be closed, to keep the list of still ongoing module activations clean.
De-activating and re-activating modules
If a module is activated and is no longer relevant to use, it is possible to de-activate the module via the module settings:
Start the module activation again via the module activation process. Be aware though, that this will reset all the settings back to the default values
Only re-activate the module, without changing any of the other settings. This can be used if the module should be activated again, using the settings and options the same as before. This second option can also be found via the ‘Module activation’ option, via the last include:
Module information and activation
The following articles contain in-depth information and step-by-step activation instructions per module: