Configuration is needed to activate a module. The module activation process guides the user through the module (or solution) configuration options required to activate the module or solution. These steps consist of (pre-defined or selectable) settings, authorizations, imports, and workflow emails.
When clicking on the Module activation option, multiple options are shown (The overview depends on already activated or deactivated modules) and via the includes, a solution (if applicable) or module can be selected to be activatedselecting the ‘Module activation’ option, several overviews become visible. The content and visibility of the overviews depend on, if modules have already been rolled out or not. Select the applicable module or solution you want to activate:
Solutions vs Modules
If no module or solution has yet been activated, the overview of the available solutions to activate is shown. A solution consists of several modules and is intended to provide the environment directly with all relevant settings, workflow emails, profiles and imports in one go for a given solution. For instance, Compliance as a solution also includes the master data modules ‘Properties and areas’ and ‘Assets’ modules (These will also be automatically activated and the import templates will become available), generates 3 default user profiles, and automatically updates the logo of the client to ‘Compliance’ instead of ‘Workplace’.