Manually creating users
Username: The system generates a username based on the "Username format" setting, which can be found in the interface tab of the client settings. However, you have the option to change the username and password by using the "Change Username/Password" button.
Default Usergroup and Profile: If default usergroups and/or default user profiles are set in the client settings, the newly created user will be automatically assigned to these. Usergroups and profiles determine the user's access to specific modules of the system. Without them, the user won't be able to log in. More information on usergroups, profiles, and how to assign them can be found in the "Authorizations" section. see Authorizations.
User License: A user license is automatically assigned to the new user based on the default settings in the general settings. You can also directly modify this value using the "User Licenses" dropdown menu on the user page. For detailed information about user licenses, refer to the User licences section.
Emailing Login Credentials:
Once the system user has been set up correctly, the login credentials can be sent. The login credentials contain the followingThese credentials include:
Username: The username as shown displayed on the system user page.
Password: A password is An automatically generated for this. It is not possible to indicate a password. A standard default password (e.g., welcome2024) . Based on the general password setting, it is possible to indicate the requirements for both the automatically generated password, as well as if cannot be specified. Password requirements and whether the user must change this their password after the first login . For more details see: Password requirements The login URL (E.g. the are determined by the general password setting. For detailed information, refer to the Password requirements section.
Login URL: The client-specific URL as indicated via in the client settingsettings, Authentication tab, login field.
There are three options for sending these credentials:
Direct Email to User: Send the login credentials directly to the email adress address of the contact linked to this the user. To do this, use the ‘Change username / password’ "Change Username/Password" button on the user and choose the ‘Email page and select "Email new password to user’ button user" on the next screen.
Email to Administrator: Send the login credentials to the email adres address linked to your own user. This could be option is relevant if you want need to change the password (as this it requires the automatically generated password). To do this, use the ‘Change username / password’ "Change Username/Password" button on the user and choose the ‘Email page and select "Email new password to myself’ button myself" on the next screen.
Scheduled Email: Schedule the sending of the login credentials for one or multiple users on at a specific moment in time (. For instanceexample, if the customer will go live on a specific future date in the future, you may want the login credentials to be sent on that date. To use this feature, go to the users overview via the ‘Users’ "Users" button on the administrator startboard. search Search for the relevant users and in select them from the list of users, select the relevant users and . Then, use the ‘set "Set password send date for selected users’:users" option.
This date will also be shown in the last column. On this date/time, the selected users will automatically recieve the login credentials.Single Sign-On
If the customer is using SSO ( Single signSign-onOn (SSO), there is of course 's no need to send the login credentials to the user (, as they will use their own identity provider to login log in (e.g., Office 365). In this case, other settings are applicable, see different settings apply. Refer to the SSO configuration for WPM for more information about this.
Automatically creating users
Active directory interface
[To be added]
Via Workplace Experience
If the customer is also using Workplace Experience, it is possible to automatically create a contact and related system user based on a login into the workplace app. For more information about this, see; [To be added]