Manually creating users
Just like the other data import sheets, it is also possible to import users based on an excel template. For more information about the default data imports, see: Imports
directory integration
If all or most of the employees of a large customer need access to Workplace Management, it is often desired to set up an active directory interface. Since employees come and go, updating the users mannually is a burden. The ‘Active directory’ is the application in which the customer itself manages its employees. By setting up an integration with the customers active directory, it is possible to automatically create and archive users based on data from this active directoy. This integration can be setup via a standard AD interface (…..) or via a more custom SFTP interface (Automaticcaly importing files from an FTP server)
Via Workplace Experience
If the customer is also using Workplace Experience, it is possible to automatically create a contact and related system user based on a login into the workplace app. For more information about this, see; [To be added]