Reminder expiration date: This will indicate how long before the expiration date, this legislation document will show up in the legislation overviews as a task to upload a new version. By default, this is set to 30 days but can be changed per legislation document.
Additional reminder date: Per legislation document, an additional reminder date can be set resulting in the legislation document showing up in the compliance overview from this date onwards. For example, if a document is only needed once, but it is still advised to upload a new version after x years.
2 Additional information on this module
More information on the Compliance module can be found via the following related articles:
For an (end) user manual, see: Compliance module for (end)users
For more detailed implementation information (including how to enable the module, which system groups are involved, data imports and more information on the startboard and navigation menu options) see: Compliance: Module information and activation