Initially designed as SSO (Single Sign-On) for Cobundu, the set-up of Cobundu SSO has the hidden advantage that for every (new) Cobundu user signing in, upon first login, Cobundu creates an account on-the-fly and the user can start using the system.
A user logging in with Cobundu ID (tenant.ID) is recognized as being part of a tenant where SSO has been setup and Cobundu will automatically create a Cobundu account.
Prerequisites for Automatic creation of Cobundu users, see section "Cobundu SSO".
Cobundu SSO
Cobundu SSO is available for Go.cobundu.com and Personal Assistant.
Prerequisites for Cobundu SSO:
- MCS account for user must exist
- Ideally, an HR interface takes care of automatic creation of MCS users
- In case the logged in user doesn’t exist in MCS, the user will not be able to use any MCS-dependant features like making reservations.
- Cobundu SSO (receiving following attributes from the identity provider: "MCS login ID", "First Name", "Last Name" and "E-Mail“)
- In case the “MCS login ID” attribute is not correctly mapped, the user will not be able to use any MCS-dependant features like making reservations.
A user logging in with e-mail address is not yet supported (status 4/11/2020), but is foreseen to be implemented by latest Q1 of 2021. now also supported: It uses a whitelist of e-mail providers (eg @spacewell.com or @mcs.be) to check the tenant. To whitelist an e-mail domain, add it to Settings > SAML SSO > "Allowed email domains (comma separated)" (underneath "Auto-Create user").
On GO, if your customer has SSO installed and you want to bypass (and login using your Cobundu ID), go to https://go.cobundu.com/no-sso; select "Log in with your Cobundu credentials"; then log in with your Cobundu ID and password.
More information on Cobundu SSO can be found in this presentation (keep in mind: Cobundu SSO only available for Go.cobundu.com and Personal Assistant)
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