1.8 Other relevant options
1.8.1 Knowledge base
The Knowledge base is a functionality with which relevant knowledge base items/articles can be created and can be shared with all users in Workplace Management. Knowledge base can be used as a stand-alone functionality or with requests. When a knowledge base item is created from a request, the knowledge base item is then linked to the specific request and also the requests problem type. When choosing this problem type in a next request, the knowledge base item linked to the problem type is also shown, which the service group can consult and will help with handling the request.
Enabling the Knowledge base can be done via the ‘Module settings' → ‘Requests: Knowledge base’ → 'Use Knowledge base’ setting.
More information about the knowledge base see Knowledge base 2.0.
1.8.2 Sub requests
Sub requests can be used if a problem/request consists of multiple pre-defined actions, which are always applicable for a request related to this problem (type). Using sub requests can be determined per problem type and each of the sub requests can have its own service group which needs to handle the sub request.