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With preferred suppliers, requests (or work orders) can automatically be assigned to the preferred supplier based on the role specified in the problem type. More information about preferred supplier see: can be applicable in general, per building, per area or per asset. A preferred supplier is a combination of a supplier and a role. Roles are customer specific and can be created for specific industries/businesses, where suppliers operate in.

For example:

  • Supplier A - Role: IT

  • Supplier B - Role: Landscaping

  • Supplier C - Role: Furniture

If a request is submitted with the problem type role 'IT', the application checks if there are preferred suppliers:

  1. If an asset is linked to the request → check on preferred suppliers for that asset with the role 'IT'

  2. If an area is linked to the request → check on preferred suppliers for that area with the role 'IT'

  3. If a building is linked to the request → check on preferred suppliers for that building with the role 'IT'

  4. Check on preferred suppliers in general with the role 'IT'

If a preferred supplier is found, it will be automatically linked as the contractor to a possible corrective work order being created for this request.

Preferred suppliers can be enabled via the ‘Module settings' → ‘Requests: Preferred suppliers’ tab. Preferred supplier roles can be managed via the navigation menu 'Requests’ → 'Roles’

Preferred suppliers can then be managed via:

  • Navigation menu 'Requests' → Preferred suppliers

  • The ‘Preferred suppliers' tab on the building

  • The 'Preferred suppliers' tab on the area

  • The 'Preferred suppliers' tab on the asset

User with the system group '5. Manage problemtrees' can manage the preferred suppliers.


1.6 Corrective work orders

Corrective work orders can be used as an extension for requests. A corrective work order is always created as a result of a request. Corrective work order can not be created without a request. As the word 'corrective' already suggests, something needs to be corrected or fixed.

In this case, for every request, corrective work orders can be created. Creating corrective work orders can also be depending on the problem type. For some problem types it might be not applicable to create work orders and for other problem types it might be applicable.

Corrective work orders can be enabled via the module activation. Via the 'Module settings' → ‘Requests' or the module settings ‘Maintenance' → ‘Corrective work orders’ can be determined if corrective work orders can be created in general or it is determined per problem type. If creating corrective work orders is determined per problem type, go to the navigation menu ‘Requests’ → 'Problem type schemes’ and set this setting for all relevant problem types.

More information about corrective work order module can be found: Corrective work orders module activation and information



1.6 Corrective work orders

Corrective work orders can be used as an extension for requests. A corrective work order is always created as a result of a request. Corrective work order can not be created without a request. As the word 'corrective' already suggests, something needs to be corrected or fixed.

In this case, for every request, corrective work orders can be created. Creating corrective work orders can also be depending on the problem type. For some problem types it might be not applicable to create work orders and for other problem types it might be applicable.

Corrective work orders can be enabled via the module activation. Via the 'Module settings' → ‘Requests' or the module settings ‘Maintenance' → ‘Corrective work orders’ can be determined if corrective work orders can be created in general or it is determined per problem type. If creating corrective work orders is determined per problem type, go to the navigation menu ‘Requests’ → 'Problem type schemes’ and set this setting for all relevant problem types.

More information about corrective work order module can be found: Corrective work orders module activation and information

1.7 Request workflow process

The following part describes the workflow for a request from a high over point of view. For a detailed description, see the user manual Requests module for (end)users.

Create and submit the request
A user can create a new request and selects the applicable problem type from the drop-down field or uses the keywords field (depends on client setting) to find the applicable problem type. With the subject and description field, the user can give a detailed description of the issue the user is having. The property, area and/or asset can or need to be selected, depending on the probem type settings.

Duplicate check
After the request is submitted, the service group (determined in the problem type) is automatically assigned to the request. If at least one duplicate check is enabled, the user from the applicable service group can check if it is a duplicate request or not and register this accordingly. If the request is a duplicate, the request moves to a 'Waiting for duplicate request' status and continues once the original request is handled.

Assignment of service group member
The request is automatically assigned to the applicable service group and every member of this service group can now pick up the request by assigning the request to themselves. Before the request is assigned to a service group member, details of the request can be modified by the service group to clarify or correct request information.

More information needed
If the request is not described very detailed and the service group has additional questions, the request can be forwarded back to the requestor. The requestor will then get a task to give the service group more information and can re-submit the request again.

Retract and reassign
Once a request is assgned to a service group member, it can be retracted and reassigned to another service group member.

Handle the request
The request can be handled by the service group member to whom the request is assigned to or via corrective work orders (if applicable and the module is activated). If corrective work orders are created, the request will go to 'Awaiting work orders' status and can be handled further, once the corrective work orders are handled.

If there is an action necesarry from the requestor, then the request can be forwarded back to the requestor during the handling of the request.

Review request
The requestor has the possibility to review the request handled by the contractor and can either approve or reject the offered solution or fix.


1.8 Other relevant options
