Table of Contents | ||
1. What is this module about
Both mandate approval options mentioned above, can be configured on problem type level.
Problem type 1
Mandate approval group: Mandate approvers (members are User 1 and User 2)
Mandate approval from amount: 1000
Problem type 2
Mandate approval disabled
Problem type 3
Mandate approval: by manager
User 1 → Manager: User 2 and Mandate amount: 500
User 2 → Manager: User 3 and Mandate amount: 10.000
User 3 → Manager: No manager and Mandate amount: 1.000.000
A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 1 with the total amount of 250, no approval is needed
A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 1 with the total amount of 2500, needs to be approved by either User 1 or User 2 (every user in the mandate approval system group will get the task to approve)
A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 2 with the total amount of 250, no approval needed
A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 2 with the total amount of 20.000, no approval needed
A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 3 with the total amount of 250, needs to be approved by User 1
A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 3 with the total amount of 5.000, needs to be approved first by User 1 and then by User 2
A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 3 with the total amount of 20.000, needs to be approved first by User 1, then by User 2 and then by User 3
Show already planned work orders
Plan corrective work orders via drag and drop
Sick and vacation
It is not possible to filter the work orders to be planned via drag and drop below the planboard.
1.7 Supplier access
SUPPLIER ACCES LINK TO ANOTHER ARTICLE (also applicable for Preventive, etc.)
After the corrective work order is forwarded to the (internal or external) contractor, the work order needs to be handled via a workflow task. If the contractor does not have a user account in Workplace Management to be able to handle the work order, the service team responsible is assigned to handle the work order on behalf of the contractor.
1.5.3 Preferred suppliers
With preferred suppliers, requests or work orders can automatically be assigned to the preferred supplier based on the role specified in the problem type. Preferred suppliers can be applicable in general, per building, per area or per asset. A preferred supplier is a combination of a supplier and a role. Roles can be created for specific industries/businesses, where suppliers operate in.
For example:
Supplier A - Role: IT
Supplier B - Role: Landscaping
Supplier C - Role: Furniture
If a request is submitted with the problem type role 'IT', the application checks ifthere are preferred suppliers:
If an asset is linked to the request → check on preferred suppliers for that asset with the role 'IT'
If an area is linked to the request → check on preferred suppliers for that area with the role 'IT'
If a building is linked to the request → check on preferred suppliers for that building with the role 'IT'
Check on preferred suppliers in general with the role 'IT'
If a preferred supplier is found, it will be automatically linked as the contractor to a possible corrective work order being created for this request.
Preferred suppliers can be enabled via the ‘Module settings' → ‘Requests: Preferred suppliers’ tab. Preferred supplier roles can be managed via the navigation menu 'Requests’ → 'Roles’
Preferred suppliers can then be managed via:
Navigation menu 'Requests' → Preferred suppliers
The ‘Preferred suppliers' tab on the building
The 'Preferred suppliers' tab on the area
The 'Preferred suppliers' tab on the asset
The system group '5. Manage problemtrees' can manage the preferred suppliers.
1.5.4 Simple ticketing via the Workplace App
If Workplace Experience is also used, a request can also be created via the Workplace App. More information about Workplace Experience can be founde Workplace Experience integration: Reservations module activation and information.
Corrective work order workflow process
1.9 Other relevant options
2. Additional information on this module
For an (end) user manual, see: Requests Corrective work orders module for (end)users
For more detailed implementation information (including how to enable the module, which system groups are involved, data imports and more information on the startboard and navigation menu options) see: Requests Corrective work orders module activation and information