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1. What is this module about
Category | Description |
Main area | Cannot be selected when creating a new area. each Each new building automatically gets a ‘Main area’. Every additional area is always (directly or indirectly) part of this area. |
Floor | The category for floors. Limited number of fields. Does not contain the options for reservations, as it is not possible to reserve a floor. |
Meeting room | The category for meeting rooms, also . Also has the option to specific the capacity and can be made reservable (relevant if reservations are used) |
Workplace | The category for workplace rooms, has workplaces. Has a default capacity of 1 and can be made reservable (relevant if reservations are used) |
Parking | The category for parking places, has spots. Has a default capacity of 1 and can be made reservable (relevant if reservations are used) |
Area (general) | The category for any other type of area, that would not fit the other default categories. Also has a capacity field and can be made reservable (relevant if reservations are used) |