Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


Both mandate approval options mentioned above, can also be configured on problem type level.




  • Problem type 1

    • Mandate approval group: Mandate approvers (members are User 1 and User 2)

    • Mandate approval from amount: 1000

  • Problem type 2

    • No mandate approval

  • Problem type 3

    • Mandate approval: by manager

    • User 1 → Manager: User 2 and Mandate amount: 500

    • User 2 → Manager: User 3 and Mandate amount: 10.000

    • User 3 → Manager: No manager and Mandate amount: 1.000.000

A corrective work order is created and mandate approval for corrective work orders is enabled depending on problem type.

  1. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 1 with the total amount of 250, no approval is needed

  2. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 1 with the total amount of 2500, needs to be approved by either User 1 or User 2 (every user in the mandate approval system group will get the task to approve)

  3. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 2 with the total amount of 250, no approval needed

  4. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 2 with the total amount of 20.000, no approval needed

  5. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 3 with the total amount of 250, needs to be approved by User 1

  6. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 3 with the total amount of 5.000, needs to be approved first by User 1 and then by User 2

  7. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 3 with the total amount of 20.000, needs to be approved first by User 1, then by User 2 and then by User 3


The corrective work orders module also has a planboard option. Already planned corrective work orders can be consulted in a calendar view (daily, weekly and monthly) and not yet assigned corrective work orders can be assigned via the planboard to contractors. More information about the planboard see: Work order Planboard.

1.8 Supplier access


  • If the contractor is not yet determined, when creating the work order, the work order can be submitted. The contractor can be linked to the work order in the next step manually or via a tendering process.

  • If the contractor is automatically determined via preferred suppliers, when creating the work order, the work order can be directly forwarded to the contractor.

Optional: Start tendering process
If a contractor needs to be selected from a list of potential contractors, a tendering process can be started. The tendering process can either be a new process in Workplace Management or completely outside of the application. The contractor with the best quotation can be selected and assigned to the work order.

Optional: Mandate approval
If mandate approval is applicable, the mandate approver needs to approve or reject the work orders total amount, before the work order is send to the contractor.

Corrective work order in progress
The corrective work order is in progress and the contractor needs to handle the work specified in the work order. If the contractor has a user acountaccount, the contractor can directly handle the work order in the application. If the contractor does not have a user account, then the internal responsible need to handle the work order on behalf of the contractor. The actual quantity and prices used during the handling of the corrective work order can be registered.

Optional: Retract or reschedule

If a corrective work order is in progress, but needs to be rescheduled to another date, the internal responsible can reschedule the work order and forward it to the contractor again. If the corrective work order needs to be assigned to another internal responsible, the corrective work order can be retracted and is again assgined assigned to the whole service group, ready to be picked up and assigned to a contractor.


After the work order has been handled, the internal responsible can review the work executed. The review can also be done automatically (via a setting). If the internal responsible rejects the work, the work order will go back to the contractor with additonal additional information about the rejection and the contractor needs to handle the work in the work order again.

Optional: Financial administration
If the executed work is approved, the financial administration surrounding this work order can be executed as a task in the workflow (depending on setting). The contractor might send an invoice, which needs to be registered and paid.


Email content

When is it send

Send to

The confirmation to the contractor to handle the work order including an a PDF attachment with more details about the work to be executed

Once the corrective work order is forwarded to the contractor

The contractor of the work order

A request to the mandate approver(s) to approve the corrective work order total amount

Once the corrective work order is forwarded to the contractor (only if mandate approval for corrective work orders is enabled)

The mandate approve(s) of the work order
