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In the corrective work order process it is possible to add a mandate approval step. A mandate approval is a step in the workflow, where a specific authorized user or user with a specific system group needs to review the work orders total amount and can approve or reject the work order before it is forwarded to a contractor. The mandate approval step prevents work orders from being made and send to contractors with a (unauthorized) large total amount.


If the mandate approval is executed based on a personal (maximum) mandate amount, mandate approval option ‘by manager’ is used. Every user creating corrective work orders, has a personal mandate amount and can approve the corrective work orders up to the maximum total amount similar to the personal mandate amount.


If the corrective work order total amount exceeds the personal mandate amount of the user, the manager of the user needs to approve the corrective work order next. If the corrective work order total amount also exceeds the personal mandate amount of the manager, the next manager needs to approve the corrective work order next until the personal mandate amount is sufficient.

To use the mandate approval by manager, all applicable users creating corrective work orders, need to have the manager and personal mandate amount registered. Also register the same information for every manager. The manager and personal mandate amount can be registered on the contact page of the user.



User 1 → Manager: User 2 and Mandate amount: 500


If the corrective work order total amount exceeds the personal amount of the user, the users manager is the next user to approve the corrective work order, until the approver's mandate amount exceeds the corrective work orders total amount.



  • User 1 → Manager: User 2 and Mandate amount: 500

  • User 2 → Manager: User 3 and Mandate amount: 10.000

  • User 3 → Manager: No manager and Mandate amount: 1.000.000

A corrective work order is created and mandate approval for corrective work orders is enabled.

  1. A corrective work order with the total amount of 250, needs to be approved by User 1

  2. A corrective work order with the total amount of 5


  1. .000, needs to be approved first by User 1


  1. and then by User


If the corrective work order total amount exceeds the personal amount of the user, the users manager is the next user to approve the corrective work order, until the apporvers mandate amount exceeds the corrective work orders total amount.


  1. 2

  2. A corrective work order with the total amount of 20.000, needs to be approved first by User 1, then by User 2 and then by User 3

By a specific group (from a specific amount):

If the mandate approval is always executed by specific users or a specific department, a system group can be registered added to execute handle the mandate approval and approve the corrective work order total amount. If the corrective work order total amount only needs to be approved , if it exceeds a certain amount, it is also possible to register the amount from which the mandate approval by the specific system group applies.


To specify an amount from which the mandate approval applies, register this in ‘Module settings' → ‘Maintenance’ → ‘Corrective work orders’ → 'Mandate approval from amount’. If this setting is set to 0, the mandate approval always applies.




  • Mandate approval group: Mandate approvers (members are User 1 and User 2)

  • Mandate approval from amount: 1000

A corrective work order is created and mandate approval for corrective work orders is enabled.

  1. A corrective work order with the total amount of 250, no approval is needed

  2. A corrective work order with the total amount of 2500, needs to be approved by either User 1 or User 2 (every user in the mandate approval system group will get the task to approve)

Depending on problemtypeproblem type:

If the mandate approval is determined per problem type, the mandate approval can be configured in each problem type seperatelyseparately, where it actually applies.

Both mandate approval options mentioned above, can also be configured on problem type level.




  • Problem type 1

    • Mandate approval group: Mandate approvers (members are User 1 and User 2)

    • Mandate approval from amount: 1000

  • Problem type 2

    • No mandate approval

  • Problem type 3

    • Mandate approval: by manager

    • User 1 → Manager: User 2 and Mandate amount: 500

    • User 2 → Manager: User 3 and Mandate amount: 10.000

    • User 3 → Manager: No manager and Mandate amount: 1.000.000

A corrective work order is created and mandate approval for corrective work orders is enabled depending on problem type.

  1. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 1 with the total amount of 250, no approval is needed

  2. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 1 with the total amount of 2500, needs to be approved by either User 1 or User 2 (every user in the mandate approval system group will get the task to approve)

  3. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 2 with the total amount of 250, no approval needed

  4. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 2 with the total amount of 20.000, no approval needed

  5. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 3 with the total amount of 250, needs to be approved by User 1

  6. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 3 with the total amount of 5.000, needs to be approved first by User 1 and then by User 2

  7. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 3 with the total amount of 20.000, needs to be approved first by User 1, then by User 2 and then by User 3


1.7 Planboard

The corrective work orders module also has a planboard option. Already planned corrective work orders can be consulted in a calendar view (daily, weekly and monthly) and not yet assigned corrective work orders can be assigned via the planboard to contractors. More information about the planboard see: Planboard.

1.8 Supplier access

After the corrective work order is forwarded to the (internal or external) contractor, the work order needs to be handled by the internal or external contractor. If the contractor does not have a user account in Workplace Management to be able to handle the work order, the responsible service group or the work order is assigned to handle the work order on behalf of the contractor.
