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Table of Contents


  • New project (a new empty project needs to be manually entered)

  • New project from template (Project details (name, description, etc.), project (sub) phases and documents are automatically taken over from the template)


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2.2 Fields

When creating a new project, some fields are mandatory to fill in before the project can be submitted.

The following fields are mandatory:

  • Project name

  • Main respoinsibleresponsible

  • Start

  • End

Before submitting the project it is also possible to enter the requested project budget via the 'Budget' tab. This is not mandatory, but might be important relevant before submitting the project.


More information about the meaning of every Project field, see the chapter below: Project management - All fields





How does the process continue

After the project budget is submitted, the project budget approval step is activated. The project budget approver (determined via settings) gets the task to approve or reject (with a mandatory reason) the project and the requested project budget. If the requested project is rejected, then the project will go back to the project responsibles to adjust teh the requested budget in order to get is apporvedapproved.

If project budget approval is disabled or the requested budget is 0, the project will automatically go to the preparation step. More information about this step can be found in the chapter below, see: Process step by step


For the Project management module, the following navigation menu options become available:




Navigation menu option

Available to system groups



  • Create projects

  • View projects

  • Manage project templates

  • Access to navigation menu projects

  • Quick insights via graphs

  • The option to search for all (my) existing projects.

  • The option to manage project and project phase templates (depends on users authorization)

  • The option to create projects from scratch or based on a template (depends on users authorization)

  • Additional reports

The 'Projects' navigation menu immediately shows one screen with several insights (graphs), important functionalities like creating projects and has a search functionality.


This startboard tab has buttons similar to the navigation menu 'Projects'. Next to that, this tab has the following includesoverviews:

  • Tasks: This overview shows all active projects project and project work order workflow tasks for the user.

  • Open projects I am responsible for: This overview shows all open projects where I am the main responsible or additional responsible for.

  • Open project phases I am responsible for: This overview shows all open project phases where I am filled in the 'Responsible' field.

  • Open project work orders I am responsible for: This overview shows all open project work orders where I am the 'Internal responsible'.




Project name

The name of the project. Can be used to search projects.


An additional (detailed) description of the project.

Main responsible

The user who is the main responsible of the project. This user can execute the relevant workflow tasks of the project, can request the project budget, can create project phases, can assign buildings, can create project work orders, etc.

Next to the main responsible, other project responsibles can be added to the project via the ‘Team’ tab. These additional project repsonsibles have the same project rights as the main responsible. Additional project responsibles can be added via the ‘Team’ tab.


Every new project automatically gets a unique project reference. This reference is not editable and can be used to search particular projects.


The status of the project. The status of the project is determined by the workflow and can be used to quickly see in which phase the project is currently in.


The start date of the project.


The (estimated) end date of the project.


The percentage of completion of the project. This field is not editable and is automatically calculated based on the percentage completed of the project's project phases.

Approved on

The date and time when the requested project budget is approved. This field is also automatically filled in after the project budget is approved or if no budget approval is applicable.

Project phase:




The name of the project phase.


An additional (detailed) description of the project phase.

Part of

The project phase where this project project phase is part of. If a sub phase is created, the sub phase becomes part of the main project phase. This field is empty if it is a main project phase.


The user who is responsible for the project phase. The responsible user can edit the project phase phases details, assign budget, can create sub phase and can create sub phasesproject (phase) work orders.


The project where the project phase is part of.


Every new project phase automatically gets a unique project phase reference. This reference is not editable and can be used to search project phases.


The status of the project phase. The status of a project phase can either be ‘Open’ or ‘Closed’.


The (estimated) start date of the project phase. If the project phase has sub phases, the start date of the main project phase is automatically determined by the sub phases earliest start date and is not editable. If the project phase does not has have sub phases, the field is editable.


The (estimated) end date of the project phase. If the project phase has sub phases, the end date of the main project phase is automatically determined by the sub phases latest end date and is not editable. If the project phase does not has have sub phases, the field is editable.


The percentage of completion of the project phase. If the project phase has sub phases, then the percentage completed is automatically calculated based on the percentage completed of the sub phases and is not editable. If the project phase does not has have sub phases, the field is editable.


The code of the project phase. The code field can be used to give one or more project phases a reference code. This can be used to sort prject project phases based on the code and for consoldidating consolidating project phases.


The priority of the project phase. By default the project phase priority is Medium, but can be changed from Critial to Very low to create a distiction in priority to handle the project phases in the correct order.


The budget assigned to the project phase.

4.2 Process step by step

Submit project

When creating a new project, the project starts in the status ‘New’. The creator of the project is automatically set as the main responsible of the project. The main responsible (and possible additional project responsibles) have the task to enter the projects details and submit the project.

The mandatory fields on the ‘General' tab need to be filled in. Mandatory fields can be recognized by the * behind the field label (e.g. Project name *).


Via the projects 'Team' tab, additional project responsibles and project participants can be added to the project. Project responsibles will have the same rights to the project as the main responsible and can edit the project and execute the workflow tasks. Project participants can be added and can later be assigned to each of the project phases, they are responsible for. Adding project responsibles and project participants can be done during the whole projects duration, so it is not necesarry and mandatory to already have the whole project team added before submitting the project.


There are no other mandatory fields then the fields on the ‘General’ tab, however it is advised to already enter the (estimated) project budget needed to complete the project. The project budget can be requested via the 'Budget’ tab. Already requesting the budget in this step is advised, because the budget approval step is the next step in the workflow.


The project’s project phases can be created via the 'Project phases' tab. Project phases can be created for each phase of the project. Each project phase can be assigned to a responsible user and a budget (once approved) can be assigned. Sub project phases can be created to create a hierarchy and dependencies.


The 'Work orders' tab on the project show project work orders created from the various project phases. The work order will be created during the project and actual realized costs can be registered. During this task, the work orders are not yet applicable, since the project budget needs to be approved first.

The 'Gantt chart' tab shows all project phases with a start and end date in a calender view. Via this view, it is easier to see if the project phases are still according to the plan.


Via the tab ‘Related buildings' it is possible to link relevant buildings to the project. Projects where the building is linked to, will also become visible on the Building → 'Projects’ tab.


Relevant documents regarding the project can be uploaded and linked to the project via the 'Documents' tab. Via this tab it is also possible to view all documents linked to the project phases. If the project is created from a pre defined template, the documents are automatically taken over to the new project and visibel via this tab.


Project responsibles and participants can cerate note via the 'Note' tab.


After the mandatory fields have been entered, the project can be submitted.

Review project budget

After the project has been submitted, the project budget approval step is activated. The status of the project is now 'Waiting budget approval'. The use of project budget approval is determined via general and project template settings. The users of a pre defined system group are responsible to approve or reject the requested project budget.

The requested budget can be viewed on the 'Budget’ tab. If the project budget is rejected, the project budget approver needs to fill in a mandatory reason of rejection. The project will return to the project responsible(s) to adjust the project budget.

If project budget approval is disabled or the requested budget is 0, the budget approval is skipped and the project will move on to the 'Preparation' status.

If the project budget is approved, the project will also move on to the 'Preparation' status.


Start project

After the project budget has been approved, the project will go to the 'Preparation' status. In this status, the the project participants can be assigned to the project phases and the approved project budget can be assigned to the main project phases.

The budget assigned to all main (parent) project phases can not exceed to total (approved) project budget. The budget assigned to the main project phases can be divided over all sub phases, and also the total assigned budget of all sub phases can not exceed the budget assigned to the main project phase.

Once the project phase is assigned to a project participant, the responsible can manage the project phase, can create sub phases and assign the main project phase budget over all sub phases.


After all project phases are assigned to a project team member and the project budget is assigned to all (relevant) project phases, the project is ready to start on the pre defined start date of the project.

Project execution

After the project has been started, the project is in status ‘In progress'. The project is officially in execution. The project budget can be used to execute the work, related to the project phases via work orders. The project phase responsible can create work orders from the project phases 'Work orders’ tab. Work orders can only be created from the lowest level of project phases (within the hierachy).


The total budget, realization from the work orders and the budget left per project phase is shown on the project phase overview on the project.


While the project work orders are being handled by the contractors, the project phases progress can be registered via the ‘Completed' field (0-100%). The 'Completed’ field can only be edited on the lowest level of project phases. The percentage completed of the main (parent) project phases is automatically calculated based on the percentage completed of all sub phases. The percentage completed of the total project is also calculated based on the percentage completed of all main project phases.

A project phase can be closed via the ‘Close' button. The percentage completed is automatically set to 100% and the project phase is not editable anymore. The project phase can be reopened via the 'Re-open’ button and will become editable again. The percentage completed will be set to 0% and the user needs to enter the current progress again.



If a project is started and moved to the status ‘In progress’ by accident or important details of the project need to be changed, the project can be retracted to the 'Preparation' status.


Request project budget adjustment

A project budget is requested at the beginning of a project. If it turn out that the initial requested project budget is insufficient to completed te project, a project budget adjustment request can be done by the project responsible(s).

On the ‘Budget' tab, the button ‘Request budget adjustment’ can be used to request a new (improved) budget. The requested project budget field becomes editable and the new budget can be entered. After entering the new requested budget, select the 'Confirm budget adjustment



Cancelrequest’ to confirm.

The project will again move to the status ‘Waiting budget approval' and the project budget approval users need to approve the budget. After the requested budget adjustment is approved, the new budget becomes available for the project team to assign to the applicable project phases. The project will go back to the status where it came from (’Preparation' or ‘In progress’).



As soon as all project phases have been handled and the project is finished, the project can be closed with the 'Close' button.



A project can be cancelled during the whole process (workflow) until it is closed. Cancel the project via the 'Cancel' button.

4.3 Additional options and related modules


The Project management module does not have prerequisite modules which need to be activated first to be able to use the module. If you want to link buildings to a project, then the Buildings and area module needs to be enables also.

The project management module also enables default graphs and reports to be able to monitor your open projects, project budgets and project timelines.

Via the 'Projects' navigation menu, the some quick insights are available.

Via the 'Reports' button, additional reports are available to see the cost vs realization and planned vs actual time.


5. Automated emails

The Project workflow can automatically send emails, when the requested project budget needs to be approved for example. More information about workflow emails, how to enable/manage them and which emails can be automatically sent from the project workflow, see: Project management - Automatic emails sent in the workflow
