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Table of Contents


Via the 'Reports' button, additional reports are available to see the cost vs realization and planned vs actual time.


4.3 All fields

The following overview(s) contain a description of the fields used in this module.




Field location

Project name

The name of the project.

General tab


An additional (detailed) description of the project.

General tab

Main responsible

The user who is the main responsible of the project. This user can execute the relevant workflow tasks of the project, can request the project budget, can create project phases, can assign buildings, can create project work orders, etc.

Next to the main responsible, other project responsibles can be added to the project via the ‘Team’ tab. These additional project repsonsibles have the same project rights as the main responsible. Additional project responsibles can be added via the ‘Team’ tab.

General tab


Every new project automatically gets a unique project reference. This reference is not editable and can be used to search particular projects.

General tab


The status of the project. The status of the project is determined by the workflow and can be used to quickly see in which phase the project is currently in.

General tab


The start date of the project.

General tab


The (estimated) end date of the project.

General tab


The percentage of completion of the project. This field is not editable and is automatically calculated based on the percentage completed of the project's project phases.

General tab

Approved on

The date and time when the requested project budget is approved. This field is also automatically filled in after the project budget is approved or if no budget approval is applicable.

General tab

Requested project budget

Budget tab

Approved project budget

Budget tab

Project phase:



Field location


The name of the project phase.

General tab


An additional (detailed) description of the project phase.

General tab

Part of

The project phase where this project project phase is part of. If a sub phase is created, the sub phase becomes part of the main project phase. This field is empty if it is a main project phase.

General tab


The user who is responsible for the project phase. The responsible user can edit the project phases details, assign budget, can create sub phase and can create project (phase) work orders.

General tab


The project where the project phase is part of.

General tab


Every new project phase automatically gets a unique project phase reference. This reference is not editable and can be used to search project phases.

General tab


The status of the project phase. The status of a project phase can either be ‘Open’ or ‘Closed’.

General tab


The (estimated) start date of the project phase. If the project phase has sub phases, the start date of the main project phase is automatically determined by the sub phases earliest start date and is not editable. If the project phase does not have sub phases, the field is editable.

General tab


The (estimated) end date of the project phase. If the project phase has sub phases, the end date of the main project phase is automatically determined by the sub phases latest end date and is not editable. If the project phase does not have sub phases, the field is editable.

General tab


The percentage of completion of the project phase. If the project phase has sub phases, then the percentage completed is automatically calculated based on the percentage completed of the sub phases and is not editable. If the project phase does not have sub phases, the field is editable.

General tab


The code of the project phase. The code field can be used to give one or more project phases a reference code. This can be used to sort project phases based on the code and for consolidating project phases.

General tab


The priority of the project phase. By default the project phase priority is Medium, but can be changed from Critial to Very low to create a distiction in priority to handle the project phases in the correct order.

General tab


The budget assigned to the project phase.

General tab

Project work order:





Field location


Every new project work order automatically gets a unique work order reference. This reference is not editable and can be used to search work orders.

General tab


The status of the work order. The status of the work order is determined by the workflow and can be used to quickly see in which phase the work order is currently in.

General tab

Created from

From which object is this work order created from. Project work orders can be created from project phases. The created from field provides information from which project phase the work order is created and is linked to.

General tab

Request date

The date and time when the project work order is created.

General tab


The user who created the project work order.

General tab


The project work orders subject. By default, the project phases subject is automatically taken over to the work order subject.

General tab


An additional (detailed) description of the project work order.

General tab


The start date of the project work order.

General tab


The end date of the project work order.

General tab

Internal responsible

The user who is internally responsible for the project work order. The responsible user can add cost items and forward the work order to the applicable contractor. If the contractor does not have a user account, the internal responsible will be responsible to handle the work order on behalf of the contractor.

General tab


The contractor to whom the work order is forwarded to. The contractor needs to carry out the work associated with the work order. If the contractor has a user account, the contractor can handle the work order themselves.

General tab

Finish work by

General tab

Send work order via email

General tab

Remarks for contractor

Additional remarks for the contractor. These remarks are also included in the work order email to the contractor.

General tab

Planned amount

The expected/planned work order amount (excl. VAT)

General tab

Planned VAT

The expected/planned work order VAT amount

General tab

Planned total

The expected/planned total work order amount (incl. VAT)

General tab


The actual work order amount (excl. VAT)

General tab


The actual work order VAT amount

General tab


The actual total work order amount (incl. VAT)

Project work order item (cost items):

General tab


Every new work order item or cost item automatically gets a unique ID within the work order. This ID is not editable.

Cost include


A description of the work order item. The description gives information about the work that needs to be executed.

Cost include

Planned quantity

The expected/planned quantity of the work order item. Can be entered before the work order is forwarded to the contractor.

Cost include

Actual quantity

The actual quantity of the work order item. Can be entered by the contractor to register the actually used quantity.


Cost include

Planned price

The expected/planned price of the work order item. Can be entered before the work order is forwarded to the contractor.

Cost include

Actual price

The actual price of the work order item. Can be entered by the contractor to register the actual price.

Cost include


The planned and actual price is applicable per X units. For example the price per 1 piece or 10 kilograms.

Cost include


The planned and actual price is applicable per X units. For example the price per 1 piece or 10 kilograms.

Cost include


The currency which applies to the price. The clients default currency is automatically taken over to the work order and all work order items.

Cost include


The work order items applicable VAT percentage.

Cost include

Planned amount

The expected/planned work order item amount (excl. VAT)

Cost include

Actual amount

The actual work order item amount (excl. VAT)

Cost include


The actual total work order item amount (incl. VAT)

Cost include

5. Automated emails

The Both the Project workflow, as well as the work order workflow can automatically send emails, for example, if a workflow task needs to be executed, for example.

The emails which can be send can be found here: Project management - Automatic emails sent in the workflow


following overview contains all possible standard emails in this module. It will however depend on whether they are enabled or not.

Project workflow:

Email content

When is it sent

Send to

An email that the project budget needs to be reviewed

If budget approval is enabled, the requested project budget needs to be reviewed after the project is submitted

The project budget approver in the context of the project

An email that the project budget adjustment needs to be reviewed

If budget approval is enabled, the requested project budget adjustment needs to be reviewed after the budget adjustment request is confirmed

The project budget approver in the context of the project

An email that the initial requested project budget has been rejected

If the initial requested project budget is rejected

The project responsible(s)

An email that the requested project budget adjustment has been rejected

If the initial requested project budget adjustment is rejected

The project responsible(s)

Work order workflow:

Email content

When is it sent

Send to

6. Related articles

The following articles are aimed towards application managers and implementation consultants:

For more detailed implementation information (including how to activate the module, which system groups are involved, data imports, see: Project management module activation and information
