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Table of Contents

1. What is this module about



The following chapters describe the use of this module as a key user. Whether or not all functionalities mentioned below are available to you as a user, depends on your assigned authorizations. Contact your application manager in case you miss functionalities relevant to you.

You can always check your current authorizations via your profile in the top right corner. For more information about this, see: History, favorites, personal bin and groups



2.1 How to create a project

A new project can be created from the ‘Projects' navigation menu and the 'Project management dashboard’. There are two options to create a new project:

  • New project (a new empty project needs to be manually filled in)

  • New project from template (project details (name, description, etc.), project (sub) phases and documents are automatically taken over from the template)


2.2 Fields

When creating a new project, some fields are mandatory to fill in before the project can be submitted. The following fields are mandatory:

  • Project name

  • Main responsible

  • Start

  • End

Before submitting the project, it is already possible to add project team members via the ‘Team' tab, create project phases via the ‘Project phases’ tab and request a project budget via the 'Budget’ tab, but this is not mandatory.


More information about the meaning of every Project field, see the chapter below: Project management - All fields

2.3 High over process overview

After the project is submitted, the budget approval step is activated. The requested project budget can be approved or rejected by the budget approver. If the requested budget is rejected, then the project will move back to the project responsible(s) to make adjustments and re-submit the project with an adjusted project budget. If the project budget is approved, the project will move to the preparation status.


High over process overview

The Project management module enables several system groups. Below an overview of all relevant system groups and their role within the project workflow. Also other additional system groups without a task in the project workflow are mentioned.


Users with the system group ‘Create projects' can create a project. The user can enter the important project details like, the project name, a short description, the main responsible and a estimated start and end date. Before submitting the project, the user can already add project team members, request a project budget and create project phases, but this is not mandatory.

After the project is submitted, the budget approval step is activated. The requested project budget can be approved or rejected by the budget approver. If the requested budget is rejected, then the project will move back to the project responsible(s) to make adjustments and re-submit the project with an adjusted project budget. If the project budget is approved, the project will move to the preparation status.

During the preparation, the project team members can be added, project phases can be created, project team members can be assigned to the project phases and the approved project budget can be assigned to the project phases. Once all relevant project details are added and filled in, the project can be started.


4. Process in details

4.1 Process step by step

Create a project

A new project can be created from the ‘Projects' navigation menu and the 'Project management dashboard’. There are two options to create a new project:

  • New project (a new empty project needs to be manually filled in)

  • New project from template (project details (name, description, etc.), project (sub) phases and documents are automatically taken over from the template)


Submit project

When creating a new project, the project starts in the status ‘New’. The creator of the project is automatically set as the main responsible of the project. The main responsible (and possible additional project responsibles) have the task to enter the projects details and submit the project.
