Why use email domain authentication?
Emails send By default emails sent via Workplace Management are send sent via the Spacewell mail server. However, it is often desired to make these email appear to be send sent via the clients email address (most likely, a contractor that gets a work order email, should receive this email from for example ‘facilities@clientname.com’ instead of 'norely@spacewell.com). See email settings part in the client settings article for information on how to set this up*
The email itself will still be send sent via the Spacewell email server, but the email will look like it originated from the specified client email address. This can lead to the email being labeled as spam by a receiving mail server. This is most often the case if the receiving mail server is the same as the server the email pretends to be from. (So any email send sent via Workplace Management to the employees of the client)
There are several options that can be taken to prevent this problem.
*Most likely, a contractor that gets a work order email, should receive this email from for example ‘facilities@clientname.com’ instead of 'norely@spacewell.com). See email settings part in the client settings article for information on how to set this up
Add an SPF (Sender Policy Framework) record to the clients DNS
By having the client add the necessary SPF record to there their DNS, the receiving mailserver can verify that Workplace Management is allowed to send emails on behalf of your the clients domain. The following inclusion needs to be done on the DNS:
When using your the clients own mailbox, there is one major limitation compared to using the native mail feature in Workplace Management. When Workplace Management sends an e-mail to the client server and it fails, it will not retry this e-mail. The simple reason is that if the system would do this, it might be blocked due to a possible identification as a DDoS attack (“spamming” the server with requests). In case the native e-mail feature is used, an e-mail is retried for 24 hours before failing.