A similar setting to reserve objects in advance from and until is also available per reservable object. The general settings are used to restrict this for all reservable objects for which the specific settings on the reservable object are empty. The setting on a reservable object is used to limit the reservation period for the specific reservable object. Setting reserve in advance from/until on a specific reservable object, only has an effect if it is set even more restrictive (setting it less restrictive will not override will always be used instead of the general setting for that object (so even if in general the reserve in advance is set to 3 days, it is still possible to set this to 10 days on an specific object (or instead make it more restrictive for a given object than the general setting).
Reserve in past until: By default, it is not possible to make a reservation in the past (to prevent users from setting a date by mistake, an error is normally given). However, it often happens that a user makes a reservation for the current day (for instance, a workplace), and the default start time (e.g., 08:00) has already passed. To avoid an unwanted error and requiring the user to change the start time to the current time (e.g. 08:30), this setting can be used to determine how far in the past a reservation can still be created. By default (to avoid the issue described), this is set to '2 hours'.
Reserving multiple workplaces at the same time: If the users are only allowed to reserve one workplace at the same time, this setting needs to be set to No. When the user tries to submit a second reservation with a workplace overlapping the first one, an error message is shown. Especially if the number of workplaces is limited, ensuring users cannot book more than one (be it by mistake or deliberately) is desired. However, reserving more than one workplace at the same time might be needed in other situations if employees also need to book for external visitors.