Info |
Keep in mind: If you’re setting up a Workplace Management-Experience Integration, this module activation is step 4 in theWPM-WPE integration: setup guide. Finish up steps 1 to 3 before starting this activation. |
Workplace Experience touch points can be used by end-user to create reservations, where were Workplace Management will be the in the background system, used for creating and managing all the relevant (master) data and setting up the relevant reservation workflow settings and restrictions.
This article only focuses on setting up this integration for the Workplace management side. For the Workplace Experience side, see the relevant articles in Workplace Experience.
2. What is this module about
This module activation is about the integration of the Reservation module and relevant master data with Workplace Experience. For more information on the content of these modules, including detailed descriptions of some of the core components, see these articles in the Application Managers part:
Master data: Asset module (applicable based on the setting in the module activation down below)
Master data: Catalog items (applicable based on the setting in the module activation down below)
The following modules need to be activated before the Workplace Experience reservation integration module can be activated:
MasterdataMaster data: Buildings and areas
MasterdataMaster data: Assets (Only if assets (equipment) is to be reserved via Workplace Experience)
4.2 Module activation
As a complete solution
Since this module activation is considered a solution (a combination of multiple related modules), next to the integration itself, it will also If the solution is activated, it will automatically activate the following modules:
As a module activation
If the Settings to be determined
Reservation types:
At least one reservation type must be added before starting the module activation. Via the include, these reservation types can be added. Additional reservation types can always be added later on (via the navigation menu or the module settings for reservations). For more information on the reservation types, see the part on Reservation types in the Application Managers section of this module: Reservation module
After starting the module activation, the relevant imports become available to download in the next step. For more details, see further down (Data imports).
Starting the module activation will also enable the relevant user groups and these can be assigned to user profiles via the User profile management dashboard, which can be found on the admin`s startboard. For more details, see further down (User groups and profile suggestions).
Workflow Emails
The emails that are automatically sent via the workflow (E.g., the confirmation email to the requestor or a new reservation when a new reservation is created) are also generated and shown in the include on the module activation after this is started. It is possible to delete some or all of these emails if some or all of these emails should not be used. For more information on workflow emails:
For a detailed description of the emails sent via the workflow, see: Reservation module in the 'Application Managers' section.
4.3 Data imports
When activating this module, some data imports become available, which can be used to quickly import relevant data into the system (as opposed to manually entering this data, which is also possible).
Relevant data imports become available in the module activation after it has been started. Default data imports can also be found on the admins' startboard (only for level 2 and level 3 administrators).
For more information on data imports in general, see: Data imports
Available data imports for reservation as a module
If reservations are activated as a module, the following default import connectors become available:
Reference | Name | Description |
FMB-F-024 | Import catering items | This import can be used to import the catalog items that should be reservable (e.g lunch, coffee, etc). Importing catalog items via this import will automatically put these items in the “Reservable items' category of catalog items and will set every item to ‘reservable’ is true. |
FMB-F-041 | Import reservation-settings area* | This import should be used if the areas are already available in the system and (some of those) area should also be reservable. This import is used to set the reservable specific settings for the relevant areas (e.g. to set the restrictions like reserve in advance until period). |
FMB-F-042 | Import reservation-settings assets* | This import should be used if the assets are already available in the system and (some of those) assets should also be reservable. This import is used to set the reservable specific settings for the relevant assets (e.g. to set the restrictions like reserve in advance until period). |
FMB-F-043 | Import reservations-settings catalogitem | This import should be used after the 'Import catering items' import, to set the reservable specific settings for the catalog items (e.g. to set the restrictions like reserve in advance until period). |
FMB-F-083 | Import costcenters | Only relevant if the customer also want to use cost centers in reservations. Via this import, the cost centers can be imported. |
*Data imports from other modules are most likely also relevant regarding the master data that is used to reserve (E.g., Buildings, Areas and Assets). For more information, see
Master data: Buildings and areas module activation and information
Master data: Assets module activation and information
4.4 User groups
When a module is activated, user groups can be assigned to user profiles. These user groups give users access to (a subset of) navigation menu options, startboard tabs, and tasks in the relevant workflow(s).
For more general information on user profiles, user groups, users, and the user profile dashboard, see: Authorizing users
Since this module is about the integration of the Reservation module with Workplace Experience, see Reservations module activation and information for the relevant user groups.
4.5 Navigation menu and startboard options
Since this module is about the integration of the Reservation module with Workplace Experience, see Reservations module activation and information for the relevant navigation menu and startboard options in Workplace Management.
5. Additional reports
Since this module is about the integration of the Reservation module with Workplace Experience, see Reservations module activation and information for the additional reports in Workplace Management.
6. Additional settings and options after enabling
Since this module is about the integration of the Reservation module with Workplace Experience, see Reservations module activation and information for the additional settings and options after enabling in Workplace Management.
7. Additional information
No additional information currently
8. User manual
Since this module is about the module activation is selected, it will only activate (if not active already) the reservation module.
Settings to be determined
Setting | Description |
Reference Workplace Experience tenant | Enter the Workplace Experience tenant reference. The reference can be found in Cobundu Studio as a prefix to the username. For example axxprod1.username. |
Properties to Workplace Experience | Add properties automatically (after create) to the External app or manage the properties in the External app manually. Objects linked to the External app can be used in Workplace Experience. |
Areas to Workplace Experience | Add areas automatically (after create) to the External app or manage the areas in the External app manually. Objects linked to the External app can be used in Workplace Experience. |
Users to Workplace Experience | Add system users automatically (after create) to the External app or manage the system users in the External app manually. Objects linked ot the External app can be used in Workplace Experience |
Reservation types:
At least one reservation type must be added before starting the module activation. Via the include, these reservation types can be added. Additional reservation types can always be added later on (via the navigation menu or the module settings for reservations). For more information on the reservation types, see the part on Reservation types in the Application Managers section of this module: Reservation module
After starting the module activation, the relevant imports become available to download in the next step. For more details, see further down (Data imports).
Starting the module activation will also enable the relevant user groups and these can be assigned to user profiles via the User profile management dashboard, which can be found on the admin`s startboard. For more details, see further down (User groups and profile suggestions).
Workflow Emails
The emails that are automatically sent via the workflow (E.g., the confirmation email to the requestor or a new reservation when a new reservation is created) are also generated and shown in the include on the module activation after this is started. It is possible to delete some or all of these emails if some or all of these emails should not be used. For more information on workflow emails:
For a detailed description of the emails sent via the workflow, see: Reservation module in the 'Application Managers' section.
4.3 Data imports
When activating this module, some data imports become available, which can be used to quickly import relevant data into the system (as opposed to manually entering this data, which is also possible).
Relevant data imports become available in the module activation after it has been started. Default data imports can also be found on the admins' startboard (only for level 2 and level 3 administrators).
For more information on data imports in general, see: Data imports
Available data imports for reservation as a module
If reservations are activated as a module, the following default import connectors become available:
Reference | Name | Description |
FMB-F-024 | Import catering items | This import can be used to import the catalog items that should be reservable (e.g lunch, coffee, etc). Importing catalog items via this import will automatically put these items in the “Reservable items' category of catalog items and will set every item to ‘reservable’ is true. |
FMB-F-041 | Import reservation-settings area* | This import should be used if the areas are already available in the system and (some of those) area should also be reservable. This import is used to set the reservable specific settings for the relevant areas (e.g. to set the restrictions like reserve in advance until period). |
FMB-F-042 | Import reservation-settings assets* | This import should be used if the assets are already available in the system and (some of those) assets should also be reservable. This import is used to set the reservable specific settings for the relevant assets (e.g. to set the restrictions like reserve in advance until period). |
FMB-F-043 | Import reservations-settings catalogitem | This import should be used after the 'Import catering items' import, to set the reservable specific settings for the catalog items (e.g. to set the restrictions like reserve in advance until period). |
FMB-F-083 | Import costcenters | Only relevant if the customer also want to use cost centers in reservations. Via this import, the cost centers can be imported. |
*Data imports from other modules are most likely also relevant regarding the master data that is used to reserve (E.g., Buildings, Areas and Assets). For more information, see
Master data: Buildings and areas module activation and information
Master data: Assets module activation and information
4.4 User groups
When a module is activated, user groups can be assigned to user profiles. These user groups give users access to (a subset of) navigation menu options, startboard tabs, and tasks in the relevant workflow(s).
For more general information on user profiles, user groups, users, and the user profile dashboard, see: Authorizing users
Since this module is about the integration of the Reservation module with Workplace Experience, see the reservations user manual with a more step-by-step explanation of the process itself: Reservation module for (end)users
9. Q&A
Waiting for questions to answer
How to navigate to the module activation
To start the module activation for Workplace Experience: Reservations,
Navigate to the startBoard.
Click on the “Module Activations” tile
Select the “Available modules to roll out” tab and select “Workplace Experience: Reservations”.
Click on the “Rollout selected module” button.
This will provide you with a short explanation like the one below.
After your click ‘OK’, a new page (first step of the wizard) will open:
The module activation takes you through all the steps that need to be performed.
Tip |
As part of this module activation, Properties and Area are also activated. So you don't need to run the SBR ‘Masterdata: Properties and areas’ separately. |
Steps to follow
Step 1: Settings to be determined:
Info |
Tip: We go over the settings in the table below. However, hovering over the field you are filling in will often provide you with the same help text: |
Reference Workplace Experience tenant
Enter the Workplace Experience tenant reference. The reference can be found in Cobundu Studio as a prefix to the username. For example axxprod1.username.
Properties to Workplace Experience
Add properties automatically (after create) to the External app or manage the properties in the External app manually. Objects linked to the External app can be used in Workplace Experience.
Areas to Workplace Experience
Add areas automatically (after create) to the External app or manage the areas in the External app manually. Objects linked to the External app can be used in Workplace Experience.
Users to Workplace Experience
Add system users automatically (after create) to the External app or manage the system users in the External app manually. Objects linked ot the External app can be used in Workplace Experience
Pre-defined setting tab
title | Pre-defined settings |
There are some predefined settings. If these need to be adjusted this should be done via the Module settings button on your startBoard.
Use Workplace Experience
This setting determines if the Management Experience Workplace Experience integration is used.
Use properties and areas
This field must be set to Yes in the following situations: Customer wants to register meeting room reservations or the customer has multiple locations and wants to be able to link a location to requests and/or visitors.
Use reservations
If the client wants to use reservations, this field should be set to yes.
Reserve areas
If set to yes, gives the possibility to reserve areas.
Reservation time window
This is the time window from the start time of a reservation in which it is allowed to submit the reservation.
Step 2: Start this module activation
What happens when clicking the green Start button in this wizard step?
You move on to the next page of the Wizard.
Relevant imports are created, in the next step we will go over these imports.
title | Authorizations |
1. Create reservations
Create a single reservation for yourself.
4. Reservation coordinator
4.5 Navigation menu and startboard options
Since this module is about the integration of the Reservation module with Workplace Experience, see Reservations module activation and information for the relevant navigation menu and startboard options in Workplace Management.
5. Additional reports
Since this module is about the integration of the Reservation module with Workplace Experience, see Reservations module activation and information for the additional reports in Workplace Management.
6. Additional settings and options after enabling
Since this module is about the integration of the Reservation module with Workplace Experience, see Reservations module activation and information for the additional settings and options after enabling in Workplace Management.
7. Additional information
No additional information currently
8. User manual
Since this module is about the integration of the Reservation module with Workplace Experience, see the reservations user manual with a more step-by-step explanation of the process itself: Reservation module for (end)users
9. Q&A
Waiting for questions to answer
Workflow emails are automatically created. Meaning that we create the workflow emails that are send out when submitting/cancelling/closing Reservations. More on these emails in the next step.
Relevant imports are created, in the next step we will go over these imports.
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Check-in SettingsTo optimize space utilization and reduce ghost bookings (without the use of sensors), you can use the check-in functionality. To turn on the check-in functionality, follow the next steps:
You can change the “Check-in” settings per category. To add a new setting, press the “New” button. After pressing the “New” button, you can create a new “Check-in” setting.
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Group BookingIt is possible to create group bookings in Workplace Experience. The settings must be turned in “Device control” for Workplace Experience to have the option visible. Also, check if the following setting is turned on in Workplace Management:
Rw ui textbox macro |
Steps in the module activation: