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WPM-WPE Integration

The steps below describe the steps needed to integrate WPM (Workplace Management) and WPE (Workplace Experience).


For details on the initialization wizard, see article: Initial configuration of the environment.

Mandatory hierarchy is applicable (described in the the Mandatory hierarchy section of Workplace Experience integration: Reservations module activation and information SBR article).

Even if your client only has one building you can use the import to make sure all the correct settings are done. Using the import is not mandatory, when you’re more experienced, manually adding one building might be faster than using the import.

FMB-F-022 Import areas. Mandatory hierarchy is applicable (described in the the Mandatory hierarchy section of Workplace Experience integration: Reservations module activation and information SBR article).

FMB-F-002 Import own employees

  1. You can skip this import if 1) you want to manually create the users, 2) and automated ftp import will be setup, or 3) SSO will be setup.


As you know you can also leave the wizard open as long as you like. By now the 'module Activation” button has also appeared on your startBoard.

What if the environment is already initialized?


In which case users, buildings and areas will already already be present in the environment.

3: Checks before running the Workplace Experience integration Module activation


In this step you will activate the module for Workplace Experience integration: reservations: Workplace Experience integration: Reservations module activation and information.

Make sure to apply the mandatory hierarchy when creating building and areas. The conditions for this are also explained in the


module activation



New button are now available on your startBoard

After activating the module, the module setting ‘Use Workplace Experience’ is automatically set to Yes ‘yes’ and a new Button bar will become available on the startBoard of the System administrator. On this button bar several options are visible. In step 10 of this article these new buttons are explained.


An external app is used to configure and monitor the connection to an external system. An external app can concern multiple objects (such as buildings, areas, system users), and can define which objects are exposed to the external system.

The external app used for the Workplace Experience integration can be found via the Workplace Experience button bar on the administrator startboard (or in an include via the client settings, authentication tab).

When configuring the Extern External App, you actually determining what Workplace Management objects are available in Workplace Experience.


  1. Press the ‘External App’ button on your startBoard

  2. Open the external app configuration by pressing the reference

  3. Building tab: check if all buildings, that should be visible in Cobundu Studio, are shown here

    1. If not, use the ‘assign’ button to add buildings

    2. To unlink a building: select the line by ticking the box > press 'selection > delete selected objects

  4. Areas tab: check if all buildings, that should be visible in Cobundu Studio, are shown here

    1. If not, use the ‘assign’ button to add areas

    2. To unlink an area: select the line by ticking the box > press 'selection > delete selected objects


After adding the object to the External app Workplace Mamagement, it takes 1-4 hours to be available in Cobundu Studio



I don't want buildings, areas, and users to be automatically added to the External App


  • Linking a regime is optional. If no regime is created reservations can be made 24/7.

  • Do not add a regime without availability. Make sure always at least one availability is added. See left screenshot.

  • Wen you want to use the option for ‘Multi day booking’ in the Workplace App you cannot have a regime. A regime will block multi day bookings.

  • It is optional to configure a deviating regime for a building or a specific area.

    • Note: when the tenant has buildings in countries that are in different timezones you MUST use regimes, because the regime allows you to set a timezone that differs from the timezone that you set in the client settings.

For all information about creating an linking regimes: Managing regimes .
