The steps below describe the steps needed to integrate WPM (Workplace Management) and WPE (Workplace Experience).
It might sound logical, but the first step is always to check if you can log into the Workplace Management (Axxerion) and the Workplace Experience environment with the credentials provided. Do this as soon as you receive the credentials even when you were not yet planning to start the implementation! This gives our support department time to fix any potential issue for you.
Note |
Contact Spacewell Support as soon as possible if you’re having trouble logging in, or when you see a blocking error upon logging in. Make sure to add a screenshot of the error when contacting Spacewell Support. |
Initializing the environment
Note |
Own employees (= users) should not yet be imported via the initialization wizard. Instead, this data should be imported after starting the module Activation“Workplace Experience: Reservations”. Reason for this is that the setting to automatically add new user to the External App is set in the process of running the module Activation for Workplace Experience: Reservations. Any users created before that are not automatically added and need to be added manually |
These will then need to be manually added to the External App*.
This is explained in the Step “Configuration of the external app“ later in this article.Also, you need to check of Check if the building and area hierarchy is correct, the mandatory building and area hierarchy is described in the following Module activation article: Mandatory hierarchy for buildings and areas.
Press ‘Client settings’ on your startBoardthe administrator start Board;
‘Authentication’ tab;
Scroll to the bottom of the page and press the ‘Trust relation’ tab;
If no trust relation is available contact Spacewell Support.
Press ‘Client settings’ on your startBoardthe administrator start Board;
‘Authentication’ tab;
Scroll to the bottom of the page and press the ‘Access rules’ tab;
The access rules should correspond exactly to what you see is shown in the screenshot below. If you see a differencethese look different:, please contact Spacewell Support.
Press ‘Client settings’ on your startBoardthe administrator start Board;
‘External apps’ tab;
Scroll to the bottom of the page and press the ‘External apps’ tab;
An External app should of the category “Workplace Experience“ should be visible. If you do not see an external app with this categorythis externall app is not visible; please contact Spacewell Support.
4: Run the Workplace Experience: Reservations module activation
In Via this step you will activate , the module activation for Workplace Experience integration: reservations is done. This is all described in detail here: Workplace Experience integration: Reservations module activation and information. Make sure to apply the mandatory hierarchy when creating building and areas. The conditions for this are also explained in the module activation article.
New button are now available on your startBoardthe administrator start Board
After activating the module, the module setting ‘Use Workplace Experience’ is automatically set to ‘yes’ and a new Button bar will become available on the startBoard start Board of the administrator. On this button bar several options are visible:
The Cache configuration is used to periodically cache certain data for Workplace Experience. But this cache configuration needs to be enabled. If the cache configuration is not enabled, the data needs to be fetched every time a touchpoint touch point does a request. This will result in performance issues.
Press the ‘External App’ button on your startBoardthe administrator start Board
Open the external app configuration by pressing the reference
Cache configuration tab: check if the cache configuration is enabled (Active = yes)
if ‘active = no’ > open the cache configuration > press 'Enable'
Press the ‘External App’ button on your startBoardthe administrator start Board
Open the external app configuration by pressing the reference
Building include: check if all buildings, that should be visible in Workplace Experience, are shown here. If not, use the ‘assign’ button to add buildings.
Areas tab: check if all buildings, that should be visible in Workplace Experience, are shown here. If not, use the ‘assign’ button to add areas
If Services and Equipment (Assets and catalogitems in Workplace management) should be reservable via Workplace Experience, make sure to add these to the external app via the designated includes as well.
If Cost centers should be set in (Service) reservations in Workplace Experience, make sure to add these to the external app via the designated include as well
Any time after the areas have been imported photo’s of the areas can be added. These photos are shown when making a room or workplace booking in Workplace Experience. These photos are used in both the backend as well as in the Workplace App. To add a photo to a workplace, meeting room, parking, etc. follow these steps
In the navigationMenu navigation Menu press ‘Buildings’ > buildings
Now open a building
Press the ‘Areas’ tab
Open an area
Now press the ‘…' behind the “Photo’ field to upload a photo OR drag- and drop the photo in this field
You've now finished the integration on the Workplace management side. The next step is setup the integration on the Workplace Experience side (setting up Workplace Studio, device control, hardware, etc).
See that part of the knowledge base for more information: Workplace Experience.