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Keep in mind: If you’re setting up a Workplace Management-Experience Integration, this module activation is step 4 in theWorkplace Experience integration: Setup guide. Finish up steps 1 to 3 before starting this activation. Steps 5 and further in that article can be done after completing this module activation.

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Table of Contents


This module activation is about the integration of the Reservation module and relevant master data with Workplace Experience. For more information on the content of these modules, including detailed descriptions of some of the core components, see these articles in the Application Managers part:


  • Reference Workplace Experience tenant: Enter the Workplace Experience tenant reference. The reference can be found in Workplace Studio as a prefix to the username. For example axxprod1.username.

  • New buildings to Workplace Experience: Determine whether all new buildings are automatically exported to Workplace Experience or whether the buildings are manually added to the External app.

  • New areas to Workplace Experience: Determine whether all new areas are automatically exported to Workplace Experience or whether the areas are manually added to the External app.

  • New users to Workplace Experience: Determine whether all new system users are automatically exported to Workplace Experience or whether the system users are manually added to the External app.

  • Reserve assets (equipment): New reservable assets to Workplace Experience: Determine whether all reservable assets are automatically exported to Workplace Experience or whether the reservable assets assets can be reserved. Enabling this will also enable the option to set this setting per reservable type (if reservations are created via Workplace management) or the option to automatically add new assets to the Workplace Experience external app, if Workplace Experience is used to create reservations.

  • New reservable assets to Workplace Experience: Determine whether all reservable assets are automatically exported to Workplace Experience or whether the reservable assets are manually added to the External app.

  • Reserve catering (services): Determine whether catalog items can be reserved. Enabling this will also enable the option to set this setting per reservable type (if reservations are created via Workplace management) or the option to automatically add new reservable catalog items to the Workplace Experience external app, if Workplace Experience is used to create reservations.

  • New reservable catalog items to Workplace Experience: Determine whether all reservable catalog items are automatically exported to Workplace Experience or whether the reservable catalog items are manually added to the External app.

  • New cost centers to Workplace Experience: Determine whether all cost centers are automatically exported to Workplace Experience or whether the cost centers are manually added to the External app (if relevant)


If the module activation is selected, it will only activate (if not active already) the reservation module.

Settings to be determined



Reference Workplace Experience tenant

Enter the Workplace Experience tenant reference. The reference can be found in Cobundu Studio as a prefix to the username. For example axxprod1.username.

Properties to Workplace Experience

Add properties automatically (after create) to the External app or manage the properties in the External app manually. Objects linked to the External app can be used in Workplace Experience.

Areas to Workplace Experience

Add areas automatically (after create) to the External app or manage the areas in the External app manually. Objects linked to the External app can be used in Workplace Experience.

Users to Workplace Experience

Add system users automatically (after create) to the External app or manage the system users in the External app manually. Objects linked ot the External app can be used in Workplace Experience

Reservation types:

At least one reservation type must be added before starting the module activation. Via the include, these reservation types can be added. Additional reservation types can always be added later on (via the navigation menu or the module settings for reservations). For more information on the reservation types, see the part on Reservation types in the Application Managers section of this module: Reservation module

After starting the module activation, the relevant imports become available to download in the next step. For more details, see further down (Data imports).

Starting the module activation will also enable the relevant user groups and these can be assigned to user profiles via the User profile management dashboard, which can be found on the admin`s startboard. For more details, see further down (User groups and profile suggestions).

Workflow Emails

The emails that are automatically sent via the workflow (E.g., the confirmation email to the requestor or a new reservation when a new reservation is created) are also generated and shown in the include on the module activation after this is started. It is possible to delete some or all of these emails if some or all of these emails should not be used. For more information on workflow emails:

Standard Workflow emails

For a detailed description of the emails sent via the workflow, see: Reservation module in the 'Application Managers' section.

4.3 Data imports

When activating this module, some data imports become available, which can be used to quickly import relevant data into the system (as opposed to manually entering this data, which is also possible).

Relevant data imports become available in the module activation after it has been started. Default data imports can also be found on the admins' startboard (only for level 2 and level 3 administrators).

For more information on data imports in general, see: Data imports

Available data imports for reservation as a module

If reservations are activated as a module, the following default import connectors become available:





Import catering items

This import can be used to import the catalog items that should be reservable (e.g lunch, coffee, etc). Importing catalog items via this import will automatically put these items in the “Reservable items' category of catalog items and will set every item to ‘reservable’ is true.


Import reservation-settings area*

This import should be used if the areas are already available in the system and (some of those) area should also be reservable. This import is used to set the reservable specific settings for the relevant areas (e.g. to set the restrictions like reserve in advance until period).


Import reservation-settings assets*

This import should be used if the assets are already available in the system and (some of those) assets should also be reservable. This import is used to set the reservable specific settings for the relevant assets (e.g. to set the restrictions like reserve in advance until period).


Import reservations-settings catalogitem

This import should be used after the 'Import catering items' import, to set the reservable specific settings for the catalog items (e.g. to set the restrictions like reserve in advance until period).


Import costcenters

Only relevant if the customer also want to use cost centers in reservations. Via this import, the cost centers can be imported.

*Data imports from other modules are most likely also relevant regarding the master data that is used to reserve (E.g., Buildings, Areas and Assets). For more information, see Master data: Buildings and areas module activation and information and Master data: Assets module activation and information


When importing buildings and areas make sure to apply the mandatory hierarchy. If this is not done properly, this will result in issues when mapping areas and workplaces in Workplace Experience.
