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Table of Contents

WPM-WPE Integration

The steps below describe the steps needed to integrate WPM (Workplace Management) and WPE (Workplace Experience).



. Initializing the environment


Own employees (= users) should not yet be imported via the initialization wizard. Instead, this data should be imported after starting the module Activation“Workplace Experience: Reservations”. Reason for this is that the setting to automatically add new user to the External App is set in the process of running the module Activation for Workplace Experience: Reservations. Any users created before that are not automatically added and need to be added manually


  • These will then need to be manually added to the External App*.
    This is explained in the Step “Configuration of the external app“ later in this article.

  • Also, Check if the building and area hierarchy is correct, the mandatory building and area hierarchy is described in the following Module activation article: Mandatory hierarchy for buildings and areas.

*An external app is used to linked Workplace Management with other applications (in this case, Workplace Experience)


2. Checks before running the Workplace Experience integration Module activation

Check if a trust relation has been set up


  1. Press ‘Client settings’ on the administrator start Board;

  2. ‘External apps’ tab;

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and press the ‘External apps’ tab;

  4. An External app should of the category “Workplace Experience“ should be visible. If this externall app is not visible; please contact Spacewell Support.



3. Run the Workplace Experience: Reservations module activation

Via this step, the module activation for Workplace Experience integration: reservations is done. This is all described in detail here: Workplace Experience integration: Reservations module activation and information.


For more details please read: Workplace Experience dashboard in WPM .


4. Configuration of the External App

An external app is used to configure and monitor the connection to an external system. An external app can concern multiple objects (such as buildings, areas, system users), and can define which objects are exposed to the external system.



Linking floor plans to areas and workplaces

Creating and linking floor plans is not part of the WPM-WPE integration. This is done in Workplace Experience Studio and is explained in those articles.


5. [Optional]


Linking regimes

Rules to keep in mind:

  • Linking a regime is optional. If no regime is created reservations can be made 24/7.

  • Do not add a regime without availability. Make sure always at least one availability is added. See left screenshot.

  • Wen you want to use the option for ‘Multi day booking’ in the Workplace App you cannot have a regime. A regime will block multi day bookings.

  • It is optional to configure a deviating regime for a building or a specific area.

    • Note: when the tenant has buildings in countries that are in different timezones you MUST use regimes, because the regime allows you to set a timezone that differs from the timezone that you set in the client settings.

For all information about creating an linking regimes: Managing regimes .


6. Reservation settings

General reservation setting


*Also see Reservation restrictions for more information about reservation restrictions


7. Upload photos of areas/ workplaces

Any time after the areas have been imported photo’s of the areas can be added. These photos are shown when making a room or workplace booking in Workplace Experience. To add a photo to a workplace, meeting room, parking, etc. follow these steps
