Difficulty: expert
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Learning Objectives
After reading this article, you’ll be able to:
Identify which data types are supported by Spacewell Workplace
Configure webhook & authorization token to connect your external data sources to Workplace
Suppose there are already sensors collecting data in the building and you want to include its data into the Workplace IOT platform. Spacewell provides a generic endpoint (using webhooks) for most of its sensor data types, to integrate, process and store sensor data from 3rd party platforms.
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Since you’re on this page: looks like the sensors, that are in scope of sending data to the Workplace platform, are sending data to a platform or database that is not connected to Workplace. Working your way down this page, we’ll make sure that there is a connection set up between the platforms, that the data is send is a format that Workplace can work with and knows how to identify. Setting up External Data Sources and sending data from an external database to the Workplace platform can be compared to “A car arrives at a gate. The car is known to the gate keeper, and the person in the car has a badge, because he told his contact person up front that he was coming.”
Spacewell consultants that want to learn more about how Spacewell treats data that comes in, can check out /wiki/spaces/WM/pages/492237 |
The sensor vendor needs to comply with the Spacewell webhook, supported data types & payload.
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Within 1 vendor ID, sensor IDs need to be unique and prepended with the vendor ID. |
How to set up this connection?
Steps described on this page:
In the external (customer or 3rd party) database: Configure data payload
Configure the connection between External Data Source and Workplace
Go to database and fill in URL and token, make sure to test the connection
Devices send data to Workplace platform
Configure Data Payload
Webhooks provide a fast and secure way to reliably stream sensor data through from other systems.
The sensor provider is expected to post updates to the Spacewell endpoint.
The webhook endpoint expects a single HTTP request which represent a distinct message from the sensor.
The webhook URL:
HTTP method used: POST
HTTP headers:
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Content-Type: application/json
Supported data types & payload
For all data types, it makes sense to verify if data will be send regularly or not; see https://spacewell.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/5242896/External+Data+Sources#FAQ
Space occupancy related data types:
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If your headcount device is able to track multiple count areas, you can send us the data of the individual count areas by replacing "<unique_device_id>" through "<unique_area_id>". |
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* Depending on the reliability of the sensor, space occupancy data may only contain data confirming “movement” (presence, headcount, footfall in one or the other direction etc), not the absence of movement… To tackle this in the Workplace platform, a decay feature has been introduced, which allows to visualize occupancy/headcount on the live (end user facing) floor plans for longer than what the data really tells us.
For an example on how Decay works, see https://spacewell.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/491737/Motion+sensor#How-is-Motion-sensor-data-reflected-in-Workplace-Live-Views%3F
For a potential solution for data gaps in the dashboards (copy data in time slots), see https://spacewell.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/5242896/External+Data+Sources#FAQ
Comfort related data types:
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Indoor Air Quality related data types:
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Info |
Best practice is to test this in a sandbox environment locally first |
Configure the connection between External Data Source and Workplace
How to access
Login with your credentials
Select Integrations > External Data Sources in the Studio 2.0 interface
Select “Add New”
Tenant ID will be filled in based on the environment that you logged in to
Fill in Source ID with a unique name, referring to your external data source
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In Source ID field, only use alphanumeric values. The Source ID will later be used as a component of the device IDs. |
(Optional) Fill in a description, detailing what kind of data will come through the external data source
Copy the provided webhook URL + Authorization token to create the webhook in the external data source towards Spacewell Workplace
Make sure to enable your setup in Workplace
Info |
It’s possible to refresh the Authorization Token in Studio. Remember that this new token now also needs to be updated in the 3rd party platform. |
Test your setup
Once the webhook is created in the 3rd party database with above provided URL and token, make sure to test the connection.
This step is to be performed by the party that wants to send data to Spacewell Workplace.
Verify in a tool like Postman if your setup works:
In case request is not successful, the endpoint returns 4xx-5xx status codes depending on the occurred issue.
In case of successful request, the endpoint returns 200 status code with an empty body.
Check below chapter “Troubleshooting” in case of doubts.
Next steps
To create custom Device Types and configure your third party sensors in Workplace, see https://spacewell.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=579142021&draftShareId=e6b92d46-f85a-4de1-a6d5-7cf4b9036b75
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Depending on the kind of sensor, they might not send heartbeats or data regularly. If they send data and then only send a message upon value change, you might find yourself with bits and pieces of data (eg 1 time slot of 15 minutes with data about temperature, and nothing the rest of the day), which would cause confusion when you try to read the dashboards. To work around this, you can opt to have Spacewell copy the data, per generic endpoint / device type level for any desired amount of time. For example for the sensor type "Generic PIR" we could set a "copy in further time slots" and this value would be valid for all Generic PIR sensor values, which come to us for your tenant. Of course, the data is only copied until new data comes in again. So if a value comes in on Monday at 9am, and the configuration says "copy for 7 days", and on Wednesday at 8am a new value comes in, then from Wednesday at 8am the new value is taken for 7 days, or until a new value comes in.
Reach out to your Account Manager to set this up. |
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It's possible to re-use the external data source information (Authentication token + URL). So if devices have the same behavior, but are linked to different external data sources, it’s possible to only set up 1 endpoint in Studio, and have the 2 external data source send data to that same Workplace endpoint.
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Technically, Workplace can accept data with timestamps from 5 years in the past and 1 year in the future. But of course this data will not be included in any calculations or live data view. Only time slots for the previous day are calculated. So, even we store the data, it will not be visible anywhere. So best practice is to just send data with a (near) real time timestamp. |
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In Workplace, it’s possible to disable an External Data Source, but you can’t delete. Deletion would impact devices that have a link with this External Data Source. |
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Make sure the following configuration is in place:
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Make sure the following configuration is in place:
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See “Legacy Generic End-Point Set-up” chapter below |
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For security reasons: If a user logs in with a multi-tenant account, they are not able to make any changes to any external data sources. |
Legacy Generic End-Point Set-up
In the past, some external data sources were connected to Spacewell through a slightly different format. Because of that, there is a limitation only for the legacy / old generic endpoints:
The old / legacy Generic Endpoints will be shown in Studio with the label 'Created by Spacewell'
User will not be take actions (Refresh Authorization token, Enable / Disable will all be greyed out)
User can only View, and Copy URL / Authorization token.
To Enable / Disable or Refresh authorization token, reach out to your Account Manager.
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