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Table of Contents


Overview of all general reservation module settings:[To be added]



Create reservations only in Workplace Experience

Initial start time of new reservation

Initial end time of new reservation

Register visitors in reservation

Default duration (hours)

Approval needed

Approval specific items

Hand out and take in reserved items

Change/cancel ongoing reservations

Change/cancel by requestor X hours before start

Change/cancel by coordinator X hours before start

Reminder if start > X hours after creation

Send reminder X hours before start

Reserve areas

Use Seating arrangements

Reserve assets (equipment)

Reserve catering (services)

Anonymize reservation after closing

Days after endtime

Register no shows

Reserve catalog/assets in advance from

Reserve area in advance from

Reserve in advance until

Reserve in past until

Reserving multiple workplaces at the same time allowed

Maximum number of workplace reservations

Ignore reserve in advance restrictions for system group

Conflicting reservations allowed for system group

Conflicting regimes allowed for system group

Initially show reservations in search page

Maximum scheduled occurrences

Calendar hours

Calendar availability

Show catalog items in reservation calendar

Ignore contact's property in reservation calendar

Day view slot

Week view slot

Display collapsed calendar

4. Additional information on this module
