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Approve the handled preventive work order: The internal responsible needs to review the executed work and can approve or reject the work order. This is a general setting applicable to all work order processes.
Financial processing step in the workflow: If this option is enabled, the workflow task to financially handle the work order becomes applicable for the internal responsible after the work order is handled and the work is approved. This is a general setting applicable to all work order processes.
Auto submit preventive work orders: If a service group is linked to the work order template which is used to generate all preventive work orders, the preventive work orders can be automatically submitted and assigned to the service group.
Auto assign preventive work orders: If a service group and pre defined contratcor is linked to the work order template which is used to generate all preventive work orders, the preventive work orders can be automatically assigned/forwarded to the contractor after the work order is submitted.
Use catalog items in preventive work orders. By default only generic cost items can be used, where the name, quantity, price, VAT percentage, etc. can be manually registered. It is also possible to enable pre defined cost items via catalog items. Relevant information (like the name and purchase price) from the catalog item is automatically transferred to the work order as a cost item. For example, if specific work has a fixed price, then these work activities can be pre defined via a catalog item and can be added to a work order without the need to add a generic cost item and having to add the name, price, etc. manually for every similar work order.
Link objects to preventive work orders: It is possible to link master data objects to preventive work orders. This can be used to be able to keep track of work orders linked to specific objects and keep track of the costs made.
4. How to activate this module
The preventive work orders module does not require any other modules to be activated before. However, if you want to be able to link a specific master data objects (building, area and/or asset) to a preventive work order, these modules will need to be activated first. Linking objects (buildings, areas and/or assets) to a preventive work order can be used to be able to keep track of the work orders executed for those objects and the corresponding costs.
For more information about these modules see:
For the user manual with a more step-by-step explanation of the process itself, see: Preventive maintenance work orders for (end) users