MoeilijkheidsgraadDifficulty: expert
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Na het lezen van dit artikel zul je in staat zijn om:
Uw IT-netwerk instellen zoals vereist voor de installatie van XOVIS
XOVIS-sensorapparaten zijn een bedrade oplossing. Zorg er dus voor dat u bekabeling mag/kan voorzien en boor gaten in het plafond waar nodig.
De XOVIS-sensorapparaten moeten worden gevoed + verbonden met het netwerk viaLearning Objectives
After reading this article, you’ll be able to:
Set up your IT network as needed for XOVIS installation
Depending on the Xovis device, connectivity can only happen through LAN/ethernet or also over WiFi.
Xovis WiFi devices are an alternative for customers that
want to have WiFi as a fall-back option to existing LAN connectivity
want to have all the IoT devices running on a specific WiFi network
cannot foresee connectivity through LAN in some places.
Info |
Xovis WiFi devices still need Power over Ethernet (POE) for power. This can happen through a POE injector. |
Note |
XOVIS WiFi devices' initial configuration (of the WiFi credentials) needs to happen while running a LAN/ethernet connection, and while being able to connect to the target WiFi network. This means that, for the time required for the configuration, a LAN network needs to be available in a location where the target WiFi network is also reachable. |
Hardware Requirements
XOVIS sensor devices are a wired solution. So make sure that you are allowed/able to foresee cabling and drill holes in the ceiling where needed.
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The XOVIS devices using customer LAN/ethernet connectivity need to be powered + connected to the network using Power over Ethernet (RJ 45)
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The XOVIS devices using customer WiFi connectivity need to be powered using Power over Ethernet (RJ 45) |
Het wordt ten zeerste aanbevolen om de switchpoort in te stellen op automatische onderhandeling.
De sensor wordt gevoed door PoE Klasse 0 conform IEEE 802.3af. Zoals gedefinieerd door de standaard moet de netwerkswitch-poort 15 watt leveren bij 48 V.
Warning |
Denk eraan: Het aansluiten van de XOVIS-sensor is niet mogelijk met 4G of WiFi |
Op het netwerk moeten de apparaten HTTPS- & MQTT/TLS-toegang hebben via verschillende poorten. Hieronder vindt u de huidige "Lijst met IP-adressen voor uitgaand verkeer" om te weten welke poorten u moet openen.
Een dynamisch IP is vereist
Warning |
Remember: Connecting XOVIS sensor is not possible using 4G |
Network Requirements
On the network, the devices must have HTTPS & MQTT/TLS access via different ports. Please find below the current “List of IP addresses for outgoing traffic” to know which ports to open.
A Dynamic IP is required.
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We synchroniseren al onze hubs met dezelfde sync all our hubs to the same open NTP -servers (network time protocol) zodat servers so we consistente have consistent timings hebben in ons datawarehouseour data warehouse.
→ De poorten blijven hetzelfde, dus we raden aan om de poorten uitgaand te communiceren / openen. Haven
→ The ports will remain the same, so we recommend to communicate / open the ports outbound.
XOVIS WiFi devices can connect to IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac compatible wireless LAN Access Points with either 2.4 or 5 GHz. The authentication methode WPA2 pre-shared key (PSK) is supported. Connections to open networks are allowed but it is the responsibility of the network operator to ensure the security.
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