Info |
Release date 16-11-2024 / 23-11-2024 |
Key | Release note |
Performance improvements: Indexes have been added to multiple fields related to contacts, persons and organizations. This will improve performance when these objects are used in searching and filtering. | |
Reservations: Option to cancel an inbound reservation: If a reservation was created via Outlook or Google Calendar (considered 'inbound'), it was not possible to cancel the reservation via Axxerion. This option is now available and if an inbound reservation is canceled via Axxerion, it will result in the room declining the meeting in the external calendar and the room will become available to book again. | |
[Implementation Consultants] Workplace Experience integration: Options to improve the performance: Workplace Experience uses Axxerion to check the availability of reservable objects (areas, assets, catalog items), based on 3 checks (Access, Regimes and Block dates). This check is done for every relevant reservable resource every time a user searches for available resources in Workplace Experience. This also includes opening a floorplan. As some or all of these checks might not be relevant for a customer (if access is not restricted for specific users, regimes are not used or are 24/7 regimes and block dates are not used) it is now possible to switch off any of these checks via the external app. It is advised to switch off any not relevant check, as this will speed up the loading of available resources and floorplans in Workplace Experience. Next to that, even if access restrictions are used (e.g. specific users do not have access to specific rooms) it is now also possible to enable or disable access checking per reservable object via the list of reservable objects in the external app ('Disable access checking'). By disabling the access checking for all objects for which this is not relevant, the load times will also decrease. | |
[Customization - Administrators] - ProblemType.uniqueReference added: The ProblemType object now also has a uniqueReference field. This field will be used for integration purposes in the future. | |
[Customization - Administrators] - UniqueReferences added: The following objects have gotten a uniqueReferences field added. This field will be used for integration purposes in the future:
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[Customization - Administrators] - WorkOrder.cancelTime added: The WorkOrder object now also has a cancelTime field. | |
[Customization - Administrators] : Performance improvements: An index has been added to the externalReference field of the Request object. This will improve performance when this field is used to find requests, for instance via imports or APIs. | |
[Customization - Administrators] Integrations - creating an object via API: When creating a new object with the Axxerion API only a database id used to be returned. If the newly created object has a ‘uniqueReference’ field (GUID) defined, the response from the API will from now on also contain that ‘uniqueReference’ along with the databaseId. | |
[Customization - Administrators] Integrations - executing a workflow function via API: To execute a workflow function via the API, the object for which this action is intended needed to be specified via the databaseId. This can now also be done via the uniqueReference of the object (if the object has a uniqueReference field). | |
[Customization - Administrators] Integrations - executing a workflow function via API: When a certain (workflow) function has a confirmation message set (can be configured per workflow task) for the user, the UI will show a confirmation message to the user when the function is executed and the user is supposed to confirm the action (e.g. 'Are you sure you want to cancel this reservation?)'. However when using the API to execute such a function, this resulted in the function not being executed. This has been changed, such a confirmation message is now ignored and the function is executed, if done via the API. | |
[Customization - Administrators] Integrations - Updating enumeration values via API: When updating an enumeration value (e.g. periodCode) via the API, this had to be done by specifying the 'Value' of the EnumerationValue. This can now also be done via the 'Reference' of the EnumerationValue. | |
[Customization - Administrators] Integrations - Updating objects via API: In the previous release, the option to updating a field related to an object (e.g. areaId in a request) via the API was also possible via the uniqueReference of the object. This did not yet work for the instanceId field. This has been added and setting a instanceId field via API can now also be done via the uniqueReference of the object. | |
[Customization - Administrators]- Request.uniqueReference added: The Request object now also has a uniqueReference field. This field will be used for integration purposes in the future. |
Key | Release note |
Filters: Saved filters issue: When using saved filters, if certain filter fields were saved without having a value, this was stored as having filter value '0' (which led to incorrect filter results). This has been fixed. Be aware, saved filters that have been created with this bug will need to be created again in order to work correctly. | |
Workorders: Automatically setting the end date issue: Previously, if the work order start date was updated to another date and this update resulted in the start date to be after the end date, the end date would also be update, but only the date of the end date would be updated. This caused the end date (time) still to be before the start. This is now fixed by setting the end date to two hours after the start date when the start date is updated. | |
Workplace Experience reservations in draft status: When reservation were created via Workplace Experience, but an error was shown due to certain restrictions in Workplace Management (e.g. it is not allowed to book more than x workplaces per week), the reservation was still created and remained in draft status. This has been fixed, such that those reservations are directly removed again. | |
[Customization] Administrators - renumber function on filter page: The renumber function that renumbers the rows on a field list page did not work correctly when used on a filter page. This has been fixed. |