Info |
Keep in mind: This module activation is chapter 3 in theWorkplace Experience integration: Setup guide. Finish chapter 1 and 2 before starting this module activation. The rest of the chapters in the setup guide can be done after the module activation. These chapters go into detail on some of the often used additional options in this integration. |
This module activation is about the integration of the Reservation module and relevant master data with Workplace Experience. For more information on the content of these modules, including detailed descriptions of some of the core components, see these articles in the Application Managers part:
Master data: Asset module (applicable based on the setting in the module activation down below)
Master data: Catalog items (applicable based on the setting in the module activation down below)
Create reservations only in Workplace Experience: If this setting is set to Yes, the options in Workplace Management to create reservations and additional options such as periodic reservations, calendar, etc. are all hidden, so that key users have clearer screens for managing buildings, rooms, users and can create reservations via Workplace Experience touchpoints.
Reference Workplace Experience tenant: Enter the Workplace Experience tenant reference. The reference can be found in Workplace Studio as a prefix to the username. For example axxprod1.username.
New buildings to Workplace Experience: Determine whether all new buildings are automatically exported to Workplace Experience or whether the buildings are manually added to the External app.
New areas to Workplace Experience: Determine whether all new areas are automatically exported to Workplace Experience or whether the areas are manually added to the External app.
New users to Workplace Experience: Determine whether all new system users are automatically exported to Workplace Experience or whether the system users are manually added to the External app.
Reserve assets (equipment): Determine whether assets can be reserved. Enabling this will also enable the option to set this setting per reservable type (if reservations are created via Workplace Management) or the option to automatically add new assets to the Workplace Experience External app.
New reservable assets to Workplace Experience: Determine whether all reservable assets are automatically exported to Workplace Experience or whether the reservable assets are manually added to the External app.
Reserve catering (services): Determine whether catalog items can be reserved. Enabling this will also enable the option to set this setting per reservable type (if reservations are created via Workplace Management) or the option to automatically add new reservable catalog items to the Workplace Experience External app
New reservable catalog items to Workplace Experience: Determine whether all reservable catalog items are automatically exported to Workplace Experience or whether the reservable catalog items are manually added to the External app.
New cost centers to Workplace Experience: Determine whether all cost centers are automatically exported to Workplace Experience or whether the cost centers are manually added to the External app (if relevant).
Default reservation type: A default reservation type can be selected, which will be automatically linked to reservations created from a Workplace Experience touchpoint.
Automatically created user profiles: