Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Difficulty: expert


Have you read: What are imports and exports in Workplace?? The article below repeats some of the information from that article and goes into further depth.
Table of Contents

Learning Objectives

After reading this article you will be able to:

  • Import data using default imports.



The import functionality allows for a quick upload of large datasets into Workplace. By using an import connector with import mappings, it is possible to specify in which data table the various data should be stored.

Default imports are available for importing master data when setting up an environment. This allows for filling the environment with for example: contacts, properties, and areas. Files are imported in csv-format.

Where to find imports

The default imports are explained in detail in the articles that describe how to set up a new Workplace environment using the Solution-Based Rollout (SBR) Step by step implementation guides (SBR)guide. If you want to run an import, other than in the context of an SBR, imports can be accessed by:

  1. Pressing the ‘Default imports’/ ‘Custom Imports’ button on the startBoard.

  2. Open the import connector by clicking on the “reference”. After clicking the reference the general tab of the import will open;

    1. If this import you are looking for is not yet available in the list, click: Generate default imports at the bottom of the import list.

Steps to import data (and debug error messages)

To import data follow these steps:

  1. Generate an import template by clicking “Generate import template”.

    • A file will become available in the include at the bottom with the name “Template import xxx”.

    • To download the file click the download icon.

  2. This is the Excel file we send to the client and ask them to fill in.

  3. After receiving the file back from the client, please verify the data:

    1. Compare with the template if the client did not delete/ add columns, or change column headers;

    2. Are all columns filled in;

    3. Check if the data is valid, especially for fields that require making a selection (a number of value) or fixed format (dates). Deviating/ no values will NOT result in an error. The result will simply be that the value will not be imported;. For example:

      1. if a column description asks “It it possible to reserve areas from this property (1 = yes)“ > make sure a '1’ is filled in.

      2. if a column description asks “The construction date of the property (dd-mm-yyyy)” > make sure the date format is correct.

      3. if a columns description asks “The status of the property, choose between: in use, negotiation, renovation, construction, sold“ > make sure the input exactly matches one of these value.

  4. Now data save the file as CSV UTF-8.

    1. Tip for converting your .xlsx to CSV: open in import file in Excel > File > Export > Change file type > select 'CSV '> Save as.

  5. The field delimiter used in the CSV file (a comma or semicolon) should correspond with the field delimiter setting of the user that is importing the file.

    1. To change the field delimiter setting of your user, you can navigate to: your profile (top right of your screen) > Settings > Settings tab > field “Field delimiter“.

  6. Import the file by clicking import file.

  7. Select file by clicking Select files.

  8. Importing the files will continue in the background. When we click: Ok, we return to the import page.

  9. In the right top corner the background task icon will show up, when clicking on it we can see the import status.

    1. Tip: if the background task does not appear refresh the page by clicking the Spacewell logo on the top left of the page (of click F5 to refresh your browser).

  10. When the import finishes, you can find the results by clicking the document icon in the top right corner.

  11. On the document page select Advanced Search.

  12. In the field Dates > “Linked from/until”, fill in today’s date or immediately press 'ok to find all documents belonging to this import.

  13. Depending on the connector setting, you might find the following three document

    1. (csv) file that you uploaded e.g. Files[]-Template import properties. The files are only saved when the import connector setting ‘Save documents = yes’;

    2. Processing log - e.g. FMB-F-021-[Manual upload]-import. This shows which new record are created and if existing record have been updated;

    3. Processing errors - e.g. FMB-F-021-[Manual upload]-error. A list of the blocking errors that occurred.

      1. If the import file is filled in correctly and uploading in the correct format no errors will occur. When an error does occur it can be quite hard to find out that the exact problem of the import file is, below some tips and pointer are given on possible causes

titleTips & trick to debug the import errors/ warnings

General info

  • The error message will always include the row of the import file on which the error occurred.

  • An error is blocking issue resulting in a record not being created or updated. The whole import might be aborted.

  • Warnings give information on an action that could not be completed. All other items will be imported as usual.


Note: first read the “How is the import file mapped in Workplace?” chapter of this article.

Common error message overview


Possible cause

Example of error message

Error Field does not exist

  • File imported in wrong file format, for example .xlsx instead of .csv

    • This can be recognized also because all column of the import file will generate an error line.

  • The import file was altered: a column header changed. For example the header ‘Street’ was changed to 'Streetname'.

    • Only the altered column header will generate an error

  • A column header was deleted from the import file.

    • The deleted column header will generate an error

files[]-Template import properties_test.csv: Error Row 1 - Address with Letter : Field does not exist: Street

Warning Cannot find referenced object

  • When we want to link an object field in an import and Workplace can’t find that object, the object can not be linked. A non-blocking warning is shown.

    • For example: we want to link a contact with externalReference=4343453 in the ownerContactId field of a property. However, no contact with this external reference exists yet. In this case, the The solution would be to create the missing contact or link a contact that does exist.

files[]-Template import properties_test.csv: Warning Row 3 - FMB Property : Warning cannot find referenced object: ownerContactId={externalReference=4343453}

Warning Creating or looking up an object for this key combination has failed

  • Using key values, Workplace determines if an existing object should be updated or that a new object should be created. However, an import mapping can only create a new instance of the object it concerns. The import mapping ’Properties' can for example only create new properties, not addresses or contacts. Import mappings however, can use fields of other objects as key values. But, if an object containing these key values does not exist, the mapping cannot create the object resulting in this error.

    • For example, the address fields: street, nr, and city, are key values in the property mapping. If a certain address does not exist, it cannot be created by the property mapping (this should be done by an address mapping or created manually). In the example error message an address with the key values “street=Retail street, nr=18, postalReference=6666 MR, city=Arnhem” resulting in an error. Solution is to make sure the address is created in Workplace (manually or by import).

files[]-Template import properties_test.csv: Error Row 3 - FMB Property : Creating or looking up an object for this key combination has failed {externalReference={=X100099998}, addressId={street=Retail street, nr=18, postalReference=6666 MR, city=Arnhem}

Example screenshots



  • Make sure you download a new version of the import file every time when you send it to a client. Do not send a locally saved import template. You will risk that the template is not the latest version, resulting in errors and warnings.

How is the import file mapped in Workplace?

Opening an import mapping

  1. Press the ‘Default imports’/ ‘Custom Imports’ button on your startBoard;

  2. Open a ftp connector, e.g. FMB-F-021;

  3. Navigate to the ‘Details’ tab (here you’ll find the general import settings);

  4. Scroll down to the ‘Mapping’ include;

  5. Open the mapping you want to view by pressing the magnifying glass behind the column ‘Mapping’ (not the blue magnifying glass at the beginning of the row!!).

When filling in the import files, there are a few things we need to keep in mind.

  • Every import file has different fields that have to be filled in. What these fields are depends on the configuration of the mappings that are linked to the import connector.

  • By opening a mapping we can see what object it concerns (field ‘Objects’) and what fields are involved ('Mapping' include).

Columns in a mapping

See screenshot above.

  • Order: determines in what order the mapping is handled.

  • Name: the name here corresponds with one of the column header in the import file (xlsx/ csv).

  • Type/ Field/ Lookup: these determine in which field in Workplace the imported value should be stored.

    • Example: look at line 80 of the screenshot above. With these setting, the value in the column ‘City’ of the import file will be stored in the field (the object is Address ) in Workplace.

Key values

  • The key values of a mapping are found in the column ‘Key’. The value ‘Yes’ means this field is a key value.

  • Key values are mandatory fields for an import to work. Meaning, the import will not run properly when Key values are missing.

  • Key values are used to determine if a new object needs to be created OR that an existing object is updated. To determine this, Workplace checks if an objects already exists that contains ALL the key values.

  • How does this work? In the Address mapping (see screenshot above), the Street, Nr, and PostalCode are the key values. The values in the import file could for example be: Second Street, 55, 1234AB. The mapping will check if an address with these characteristics exist. One of the following actions will take place:

    • If the the address exists, the non-key values are updated.

    • If the address does not yet exist, a new address is created where the key and non-key values are stored.


There are a lot of ways to configure mapping. Hover over the setting to see the help text.

The case described above assumes that the setting “Create object = yes”; meaning a new object is created when no exact match is found for the key values.

Import connectors and mappings background information

Almost all imports connectors that are available consist out of multiple import mappings. For every object that we want to import a separate mapping is needed. However, this is not the only reason we use different mappings. We could also use one specific mapping to only set the hierarchy of an object, so for properties this could be the hierarchy within the imported properties.

Running a mapping instead of the import connector

We are able to run mappings separately from their connector:

  1. Open the import connector;

  2. Navigate to the details tab;

  3. Select a mapping by clicking on the magnifying glass next to the mapping name;

  4. Click import;

  5. Select your file.

The import will then run and display the results on the page.

Connector settings

Only partner users can change the settings of the connectors. Please note that if it concerns a default import, also Partner Users do not have access, because the import definition is inherited from the baseline. We will go over some important settings in the table below. Hover over a setting in Workplace to see the help text of other settings.




When set to ‘yes’, maintains a log of all actions

Save documents

When set to ‘yes’, stores all import/export documents. Document are usually removed after 1 month. This can be changed on the ‘Documents’ tab of the client settings by altering the “Cleanup documents after“ setting.

Save warnings

If set to ‘yes’, stores warnings when there are no errors. When set to ‘no’ the error document containing warnings/errors is only generated when there was at least one error.

Automating an import or export

  • It is also possible to set up imports to be executed periodically from an FTP server.

  • Automated export can be set up to export date to: FTP servers and email.


Rw ui textbox macro
  • Make sure you first read the basic article on imports before reading this article.

  • Imports are found via the quick links in the Solution-Based Rollout and via the ‘Import’ button on your startBoard.

  • Importing a file is simple. Experience tells us that most difficult part of the import process is to make sure the import file is filled in correctly.

  • Automated imports are possible, but not explained in this article.

