Next to the objects, the external app also consists of a trust relation. A trust relation is used to configure the authentication needed to access the Workplace Management environment via the external app. The type of authentication is configured in the trust relation and is automatically determined by the external app type. A authentication type can be a username/password, two-way SSL certificate, a secret key, etc. Depending on the authentication type, the username/password or key needs to be shared with the external system to be able to access the external app.
Info |
Via the different applicable module activations, a dedicated ‘Spacewell Integration’ user is automatically linked to all trust relations. |
1.3 Operation mode
The operation mode of the external app determines on which server the external app is accessible. The operation modes Production, Backup, Test and Development are available and refer to the server of the Workplace Management environment (axpr, axbk, axts, etc. (Clusters and Servers)). If the operation mode is set to Production, then the external app will not be accessible via the backup or test server, for example. If the operation mode is empty, the external app is accessible on all servers (as soon as the external app is synced to all servers, which is daily for the backup and every 6-8 weeks for the test server).
Workplace Experience
Calendar integration
Next to the above mentioned general external app configuration, each type has addition specific configuration. In the next chapters, the different types and additional configuration and options are described for each type.
The external app type 'Workplace Experience' is used to expose the Workplace Management environment to Workplace Experience touchpoints such as the Workplace App, Go, Room displays, Kiosks and Floor displays. Workplace Experience can fetch the relevant user data, reservation data and reservable object data. Reservations and/or visitors created via a Workplace Experience touchpoint are created in Workplace Management via the external app. Reservations created in Workplace Management, will also be visible on the Workplace Experience touchpoints.
The Workplace Experience external app is by default created by Customer Support when setting up the new Workplace Management environment for the customer.
The Workplace Experience external app consists of several includes, which are used to link all relevant master data objects applicable for the Workplace Experience touchpoints. The Buildings, Areas, Assets (Equipment), Catering items (Services), Cost centers and System users can be linked via the corresponding includes and will be exposed to the Workplace Experience touchpoints. Objects not linked to the external app, will not be available/visible in the Workplace Experience touchpoints.
Via the module activation settings or via ‘Module settings' → 'Workplace Experience’ tab it is possible to determine if new Buildings, Areas, Reservable assets, Reservable catalog items and Cost centers are automatically added to the Workplace Experience external app or manually. So if the customer wants all Workplace Management buildings and areas exposed for example, they can set the corresponding setting to automatic and prevent the user from having it to do manually.
Info |
After adding the objects to the external app in Workplace Management, it takes up to 4 hours to be available in Workplace Experience. |
2.1.2 Skip checks
In Workplace Management there are several configuration options which are relevant when using the reservations module:
By activating the Analytics integration via the module activation, the external app is automatically created and configured correctly. There are no additional configuration options for in the external app for Analytics.
The mappings to establish the integration between Workplace and Exchange/Google Workspace are created and partly pre-configured via the calendar integration module activation. The client_id and client_secret still needs need to be filled in. More information about obtaining the client_id and client secret can be found in the /wiki/spaces/KB/pages/362545217 for the calendar integration.
Once a mapping is created between a Workplace Management reservable resource and a resource from Exchange/Google Workspace, an observation is automatically created in the external app. The observation is used to bundle all notifications related to a specific resource.
The event log on the calendar integration external app is an overview of all events send and received from the calendar integration. This overview can be used for debugging purposes.
4. Configuration of the External App
An External App is used to configure and monitor the connection to an external system. An External App can concern multiple objects (such as buildings, areas, system users, assets, catalog items and cost centers), and can define which objects are exposed to the external system.
The External App used for the Workplace Experience integration can be found via the Workplace Experience buttonbar on the administrator startboard (or via Client settings → Aiuthentication tab).
When configuring the External App, you actually determining what Workplace Management objects becoce available in Workplace Experience.
Check cache configuration (only needed once)
The cache configuration is used to periodically cache certain data for Workplace Experience. But this cache configuration needs to be enabled. If the cache configuration is not enabled, the data needs to be fetched every time a touch point does a request. This will result in performance issues.
Press the ‘External App’ button on the administrator startboard
Open the External App configuration by clicking on the reference
Cache configuration tab: check if the most recent cache configuration is enabled (Active = Yes, (green light))
If ‘Active = No (red light)’ > open the cache configuration > click 'Enable'
Manage what objects are exported to Workplace Experience
Press the ‘External App’ button on the administrator startboard
Open the External App configuration by clicking on the reference
Buildings include: check if all buildings, that should be visible in Workplace Experience, are shown here. If not, use the ‘assign’ button to manually add (additional) buildings.
Areas tab: check if all areas , that should be visible in Workplace Experience, are shown here. If not, use the ‘assign’ button to manually add (additional) areas
If Services and Equipment (assets and catalog items in Workplace Management) should be reservable via Workplace Experience, make sure to also add these to the External App via the designated includes as well.
If cost centers should be set in (Service) reservations in Workplace Experience, make sure to add these to the External App via the designated include as well
Info |
After adding the objects to the External App in Workplace Mamagement, it takes 1-4 hours to be available in Workplace Experience. |
Automatically add new objects to the External App
Via the module activation (see chapter 4) or via the module settings → 'Workplace Experience' tab, it is possible to indicate that (per type of object) any newly created object is added to the Workplace Experience External App by default:
Linking floor plans to areas and workplaces