The user responsible for handling the request can register and monitor the progress of the request. If the responsible user needs more information to be able to handle the request, the request can be forwarded set the request back to the requestor to provide more information.
The resonsible responsible user can handle the request themselves or can forward the request to an internal (e.g. a handyman) or external contractor (supplier). If the corrective work orders module is also activated, the responsible user can also create one or more corrective work orders to forward to contractors and handle the request via these work orders. See the corrective work orders article for more information.
Once the request is handled, the requestor can review the request and confirm, if the problem request has been solved handled correctly. The requestor can approve or reject the request. If the requestor does not review the request, the request will automatically close after a pre-defined number of days (how many days depends on the configuration of the customerrelated request module settings for the client).
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