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DifficulryDifficulty: novice


Table of Contents

Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll be able to:

  • Use Workplace Select a location on live floor plan on web touchpoint Go

  • Identify the different user roles needed to access the full scope of Workplace web

  • Interpret the information available for that location

For more information on what you see and how to use the Workplace live floorplan, see Live Data floorplan.

Click on a room/workplace/parking on the floorplan floor plan to view more details about the location. If the location is reservable, it's also possible to book this space through GO.


This includes "Booking on behalf of someone else", which technically translates into changing the reservation response on the booking in respective IWMS. When booking on behalf of someone else, the reservation scope restrictions (locations, zones) will be applied based on the selected reservation responsible.

Per Location, below information is available in GO (if applicable/configured for a location):

  • Location name

  • Location floor + building

  • Picture

  • Comfort & Occupancy information (dependent depends on available sensors sensor data for that location). It’s possible you are not permitted to view this information.

  • If location is reservable: “Available timeline”

  • Capacity (for rooms only - ; capacity for workplaces = 1)Linked department

  • Linked zoneIncluded equipment(s)

  • "Create Reservation" button will open GO - Confirm Reservation screen

  • Latest sensor values: Sensor data timelines in a graphical representation for current day (whole day available data) and the past 1 month

    • "Sensor Data > Show all" button allows you to see all captured sensor data for this location . Data (see below)

    • Date automatically shows Today, but it's possible to select a date from max 1 month in the past through the calendar.

    • The For more information on how to interpret the values mentioned next to the graphs are the current values; for comfort data also averages are shown.

  • Occupancy:

    • if measured by a motion sensor: 1 (occupied) or 0 (unoccupied)

    • if measured by headcount sensor: value will show the nr of people

  • "Check Availability" button allows to book the location (Data automatically shows Today, but it's possible to select a date through the calendar), user can select timeframe or use Quick Timeslots. Selecting a time period will open Booking Detail Screen where more information can be added (meeting subject etc). After confirming, Booking Confirmation Screen is shown.
    • Graphical Sensor Data Representation, see below.

Graphical Sensor Data Representation

Colors used in graphical representation

The color pattern of the Graphical Sensor Data Representation is the same as for the live floor plan (configured in Live floorplan settings). Per sensor type, the legend of the colors and values can be folded open by hovering over the info-icon.

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Graphical representation might differ from live floorplan values

The graphical representation might not align with the current state from the live floor plan, because it is aggregated by 15 minutes timeslots and the ongoing 15 minutes timeslot is not shown, since it is not finished yet.

For example, if following events are registered by a sensor:

  • 16:50 value = “0” and

  • 17:05 value = ”1”

and the current time is 17:10, you will see occupied workplace on the live floor plan, but the graphic will end with the latest finished 15 minutes timeslot (16:45 - 17:00) with the latest value = “0“, registered inside that timeslot.

Error message “There is no valuable data for the selected time period”

When opening the folded out pane to see the sensor data timelines, the filter is automatically set to show data captured during business hours.

When you open the sensor data timelines before business hours start, the message “There is no valuable data for the selected time period” will show.

Use the toggle to see non-business hours data in the timelines.

  • items outlined in blue color are calculated based onwhole day available data

  • items outlined in green color are calculated base on business only hours / whole day available data - depending whether toggle is switched on or off

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