DifficultyMoeilijkheidsgraad: starter/ novicebeginner/ expert/ legendlegende
Navigate to “Maintenance schedules” under the option “Maintenance” in the menu.
Click on “Work order schedulers”
Click on new to create a new scheduler click on the hyperlink of an existing schedule to open it.
After creating a new work order scheduler, fill in all the fields.
Make sure to change the field ‘Active = yes’.
Execute as: make sure this is an active system user with the required access rights. You can fill in a work order manager here.
Fill in a contact in the field ‘Notification’ to receive an email when the scheduler has run
By pressing the “Run” you can also manually run the schedule.
The schedule can be deactivated by setting “Active = no“ or deleted by clicking the delete icon on the top right of the page.
After deactivating or deleting a work order scheduler, work orders are not longer automatically generated. Existing work order are not affected.
Note |
There is only one category for preventive maintenance scheduled. Hence, when you activate a work order schedule it will generate work orders for ALL preventive maintenance schedules. |
Two examples of a work order schedule
Runs weekly (cycle = 1 week) starting on 4/1/2023
Generates work orders for 1 week in advance (generate for = 1 week)
With a maximum of 300 work orders
Runs weekly (cycle = 1 week) on the first Tuesday after 4/1/2023
Generates work orders for 1 month in advance (generate for = 1 month)
With a maximum of 300 work orders
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How to handle a preventive work orderThe preventive work order manager is assigned the task of submitting the work orders that are generated (depending on the settings for this). The work order process itself is similar to that of the corrective work orders and for more in depth details of handling a work order read the article about corrective work orders. After submitting the person (internally) assigned with the work order is responsible for the rest of the process.
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Learning Objectives
After reading this article, you’ll be able to:
Tell what a preventive work order is
Create a preventive work order.
Preventive maintenance work orders
In Workplace, Preventive maintenance is defined as periodical maintenance based on schedules. A preventive work order is always part of a maintenance schedule. Preventive work orders are generated periodically and can be assigned to internal or external executors.
Users with the required acces can create and manage maintenance schedules and thus create preventive maintenance work orders (for example by having the group “Preventive workorder manager” or 'create workorder schedulers”).
An example of preventive maintenance would be the yearly inspection of a heat pump or cooling system.
title | How to create a preventive work order from a maintenance schedule |
How to create a preventive work order from a maintenance schedule
Navigate to “Maintenance schedules” under “Maintenance” in the menu.
Select your schedule by clicking on it, or create a new one by clicking “Create new maintenance schedule“. A maintenance schedule is created and opened.
Fill in the (required) fields on the maintenance schedule:
Name of the schedule
The start and end time of the work order. The date is used as the starting date of the cycle, the times are the default start- and end time of all the work orders that are created.
The interval schedule
The end date or the max number of the cycle. You can fill in one or both, whatever setting is reached first is applicable.
If an external party executes the work, you can link a contract to the schedule.
Click on the “Work order template” button to open the template. All work orders that you generate from the schedule are based on this template.
Filling in the work order template. Read further down the article for more details about ‘Filling a work order template’.
Press “Save and return” to navigate back to the work order schedule.
To manually generate the preventive work order(s):
Press the “Generate Workorders” button;
You will get the question until which date you want to generate the work orders, fill in the date you want and;
Click the “Generate” button to generate the work orders.
The work orders are now being generated and shown in a list.
If you now click ‘Ok’ you are returned to the maintenance schedule (MSC)
title | Filling in a work order template |
Filling in a work order template
The work order template exists of three tabs:
The Tab “General”
You have four categories with details you need to fill or can adjust in the work order template.
The request date, this is already set automatically. But it can be adjusted when necessary.Work order data
The subject of the work order and a short description.Schedule
Fill in the start and end time of the work orderExecution
Service group
You can select the desired service, for example for regular check-up of the air conditioning system select Facility.Internal Responsible
Select the person who is responsible (internally) for this work order processContractor
Here you can select which contractor will do the workSend work order via email
This is an yes/no option. If put on yes, the contractor will receive the work order via emailRemarks for contractor
In this field you can enter remarks for the contractor.
Besides the above mentioned details, you also can add objects relevant for this work order.
To do this click on “Objects” in the include on the bottom of the screen.
You can add:
press the “Add Area” button, search for the area, select it and press the “Ok” button.Asset
press the “Add Asset” button, search for the asset, select it and press the “Ok” button.Property
press the “Add Property” button, search for the property, select it and press the “Ok” button.
The tab “Checklists”
On this tab you can add checklist to the work order template.
Press the “Add checklists” button.
Select the checklist.
Press the button “Add selected checklists to workorder”
Info |
To create checklist, please read the article about checklists. |
The tab “Documents”
On this tab you can add relevant documents regarding the work order.
For example, a manual or a photo.
To upload a file:
Press the “Upload” button. You will get new screen same as the include with the “Drag and drop field”and the “Select files” button.”
Drag and drop the file into the field or paste in it.
Use the “Select files” button.”
title | Work order scheduler |
Work order scheduler
Work order schedulers can be created which automatically generate work orders from the different maintenance schedules.To create/edit a work order scheduler:
Na het lezen van dit artikel zul je in staat zijn om:
Vertel wat een preventieve werkorder is
Maak een preventieve werkorder aan.
Werkorders voor preventief onderhoud
Preventief onderhoud wordt in Workplace gedefinieerd als periodiek onderhoud op basis van schema's. Een preventieve werkopdracht maakt altijd deel uit van een onderhoudsschema. Een preventieve werkorder maakt altijd deel uit van een onderhoudsschema. Preventieve werkorders worden periodiek gegenereerd en kunnen worden toegewezen aan interne of externe uitvoerders.
Gebruikers met de vereiste toegang kunnen onderhoudsschema's maken en beheren en zo preventieve werkorders maken (bijvoorbeeld door de groep "Preventieve werkorderbeheerder" of "Werkorderplanners maken").
Een voorbeeld van preventief onderhoud is de jaarlijkse inspectie van een warmtepomp of koelsysteem.
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Een preventieve werkorder maken van een onderhoudsschema
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Een sjabloon voor werkorders invullenDe werkordersjabloon bestaat uit drie tabbladen:
Het tabblad "AlgemeenJe hebt vier categorieën met details die je moet invullen of kunt aanpassen in de werkordersjabloon.
Naast de hierboven genoemde details kun je ook objecten toevoegen die relevant zijn voor deze werkorder.
Het tabblad "ControlelijstenOp dit tabblad kun je controlelijsten toevoegen aan de werkordersjabloon.
Het tabblad "DocumentenOp dit tabblad kun je relevante documenten over de werkorder toevoegen. Een bestand uploaden:
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Werkorders plannerEr kunnen werkorders worden aangemaakt die automatisch werkorders genereren op basis van de verschillende onderhoudsschema's.
Twee voorbeelden van een werkorderschema
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Hoe ga je om met een preventieve werkorder?De preventieve werkorderbeheerder krijgt de taak toegewezen om de gegenereerde werkorders in te dienen (afhankelijk van de instellingen hiervoor). Het werkorderproces zelf is vergelijkbaar met dat van de correctieve werkorders en voor meer details over het afhandelen van een werkorder lees het artikel over correctieve werkorders. Na het indienen is de persoon (intern) die de werkorder toegewezen heeft gekregen verantwoordelijk voor de rest van het proces.
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