What are these articles about?
The articles in this section describe the advanced knowledge needed to manage the Workplace application.
Who should read these articles?
These articles are written for the application manager of a Workplace environment (Facility Management Baseline).
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The articles are written for our Workplace solution, but they can be used by clients with other baselines as well. If your environment has another baseline (other than FMB), please take into account that some functionalities that are describe might not be available to you of work slightly different. Examples of other baselines are: Real Estate Baseline, Axxerion FS Baseline (FSB), and PPS Baseline. |
Articles in this section
The following articles are available in this section.
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Waar gaan deze artikelen over?
De artikelen in deze sectie beschrijven hoe u enkele van de meer technische functies in Workplace Management kunt configureren.
Artikelen in deze sectie
De volgende artikelen zijn beschikbaar in deze sectie:
Child pages (Children Display) | ||