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Table of Contents


  • Will the module be used as a stand alone module, or in combination with corrective and/or LTMP work orders (or both stand alone and in combination with work orders)

  • Do all or some of the tendering processes need to be reviewed before sending out to suppliers. This can be configured per tendering process type

  • Which comparison criteria , next to the price, are relevant? These criteria can be configure per tendering process type and used to compare the different quotations received during a tendering process.


This module does not require any other modules as prerequisites. However, if the quotations and tendering process is to be used within corrective or LTMP workorderswork orders, these modules will also need to be enabledactivated.

4.2 Module activation

For this specific module activation, the following settings apply:


  • Add at least one tendering process type via the page include. For more information on tendering process types, see Quotations and Tendering processes module in the 'Application Managers' section.

  • Use tendering process workflow from workorderwork order: If corrective or LTMP work orders are also used, based on this setting, a separate Tendering tendering process can be started from a Correctivecorrective- and LTMP workorderwork order. The workorder work order process will then automatically resume once a quotation has been accepted.
    This setting can later be found via the Module settings → General work order settings page


The emails that are automatically sent via the workflow (e.g., the confirmation email to the requestor supplier after the new request quotation is submittedaccepted) are also generated and shown in the include on the module activation after the module activation is started. If the customer does not want to use one or more workflow emails, the emails can directly be deleted from the overview. For more information on workflow emails, see Workflow emails

For a detailed description of the emails sent via from the quotation workflow, see: Quotations and Tendering processes module in the 'Application Managers' section.


Relevant data imports can become available in the module activation after the activation has been started. Default data imports can also be found on the admins administrator startboard (only for level 2 and level 3 administrators).


When a module is activated, the relevant navigation menu options become available to users with the correct authorizations (based on the system groups). Next to that, a module-specific key user startboard tab becomes available for that particular module and is visible depending on the user's authorizations. This tab gives users insights and day-to-day work overviews relevant to the specific module.


Navigation menu option

Available to system groups


Tendering process

  • Create tendering processes

Via this menu option, all tendering processes can be search searched and new stand alone tendering processes (outside of the context of a work order) can also be created via this menu option

Tendering process types

  • Manage tendering process types

Via this menu option, the tendering process types can be viewed, created and managed.


  • Tendering processes to be reviewed: This overviews shows al all tendering processes that still need to be reviewed before the quotations requests for quotations can be send to the suppliers.

  • Accept/reject quotations from tendering process: Once the quotations have been received from the different suppliers within a tendering process, this overview will show these tendering processes as they are ready to be handled (accept one of the quotations and (automatically or manually) reject the others other quotations in the same tendering process.


For the user manual with a more step-by-step explanation of the process itself, see: Quotations and tendering process for users
