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Release date RELEASEDATE

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Release note



Redesign of the Studio user interface: User and Role management

We have moved User and Role management to the new Studio interface, introducing improvements with regards to navigation, visibility and usability.

  • Easily switch between users and roles screens using a tab at the top of the screen

  • The full screen is used for displaying users and roles, providing a comprehensive view

  • More room for displaying additional informative columns, such as user status and name

  • Quick action buttons for edit and delete

  • Full screen detail view for individual users and roles

  • Improved editting options

  • Scroll through the entire list of users



Redesign of the Studio user interface: Room Capacity

We have moved Room Capacity to the new Studio interface, introducing improvements with regards to navigation and visibility



Reservation restrictions

Reservation restrictions are migrated to the new Studio. While doing so, we have addressed the lack of user-friendliness and confusing nature by enhancing the overall configuration



SSO support for Multiple IDPs

You can now configure multiple Identity Providers for SSO within Studio. This means users from different organizations can now login to the same environment.

At the same time we also have migrated the SSO configuration settings to the new Studio interface. 



Location information in device detail card

Previously, users might have noticed a difference in how location information was presented on the device detail card. When opening the device from Spaces, the location was shown only in the breadcrumb, while navigating to the same device from Devices, the location data was shown as a field.

From now on, the location field will be consistently visible on the Devices regardless of the navigation path.



Quality control support via Studio API

We have added a new Studio API in support of quality control of configuration. Administrators can now export location data, including following details:

  • General location information: Building name, floor name, room name, workplace name, parking name and location ID

  • Drawing link: easily identify if the location is linked to a default drawing

  • Device link: easily identify if the location is linked to any device



Sync of user accounts from Workplace Management to Workplace Experience

Applicable for: user accounts created on the fly using SSO logn

From now on, all Workplace Experience accounts who have a linked Workplace Management account will be kept in sync. Admins can manage both accounts from Workplace Management. If an account is deactivated or deleted in Workplace Management, the corresponding account in Workplace Experience will also get deactivated or deleted. 



Anonymize users

It is now possible to anonymize users after a given time or when put out of service. The rules for anonymization are configured in Workplace Management.

If a user is anonymized in Workplace Management, the corresponding account in Workplace Experience will be deleted automatically.



Anonymize reservation data

Reservation data can be anonymized after a configruable time. Rules for anonymization of reservation data are configured in Workplace Management. When reservation data is anonymized, it will not be possible to view the details of reservation in Workplace Experience anymore. Reservation insights and analytics can still be provided without compromising personal and sensitive details.



Time selector in GO

The time selector now appears as a dropdown menu that provides a list of time slots at 30-minute intervals and follows a 24h clock format. 



Expanded width of location selection panel in GO

The width of the location panel in GOis wider than before. This was done to avoid floor names taking up 2 lines to display.



Client specific login URL for GO

We have added for every tenant a client specific login URL for GO. This will eliminate the need for whitelisting domains, in case of SSO login, as the URL already points to the desired tenant. It will also eliminate the extra step of choosing a tenant, in case your login is associated with multiple tenants.

Boith the general login URL and the client specific login URL remain functional. 


Room Finder

Room Finder version number

It is not possible to view the application version number on the login page.


Workplace app
Room Display
Floor Display

Support for reservation times ahead

In Workplace app and Kiosk there are now clear visual indicators for unavailable times due to advanced reservation times
•Minimum and maximum reservation time ahead is considered when checking for availability.
•In the create a reservation screen, when selecting a unavailable timeframe, an information message will be shown explaining from when until the room is available.


Workplace app

UI/UX improvements for find a colleague

The following improvements were introduced with regards to the week overview in find a colleague
•Icons for favorite colleagues and search always on top
•Profile icons added to view which colleagues have a reservation that day
•Easiliy identify how many reservations you have that day
•Create a reservation shortcut
