A regime in Workplace Management is an object, where available and non-available hours and days can be registered. Using regimes has multiple purposes:
Register the availability of a building for reserving areas (e.g. meeting rooms only reservable between 08:00 and 17:00)
Calculate the SLA times used in a request, based on the work hours (if a request needs to be handled within 8 work hours, the hours during unavailbility are not taken into account, when calculating the planned handle date).
Visualize the reservation calendar as desired (day view and available/unavailable hours)
Create and manage regimes
Regimes can be created via ‘Module settings' → ‘Master data’ → ‘Regimes’. Via the 'Manage regimes’ button all already exsting regimes can be found and new regimes can be added:
Via the ‘Add non-available date' button, specific dates can be added as unavailable days. The start date and time and the end date and time can be specified on what day(s) the object, where the regime is linked to is unavailable.
Regimes are applied as follows for a reservable:
The reservable has a regime linked to it → the reservables linked regime applies
The reservable has no regime linked to it, but the property where the reservable is located has a regime linked to it → the property regime applies
The reservable and property do not have a regime linked to it → the general regime applies
Link regimes to objects
Via ‘Module settings' → ‘Master data’ → ‘Regimes’ →include → include 'General regime' a general regime can be linked. The general regime will by default be applied to all applicable places and processes. If no general regime is linked, by default no availability restrictions arfe are applied.
Next to the general regime, regimes can also be linked to Buildings and Reservables (Areas, Assets and Catering). If the building or reservable has a dedicated regime linked, then that regime applies. If no particular regime is linked to the building or reservable, then the general regime applies. Reasons for using different regimes can be that different buildings might have different work hours (opening hours) or catering items can only be reserved during lunch hours.