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After the initialization wizard is donecompleted, additional options become available. One of these options is used to activate the actual desired modules that are desired:


By default, only the contacts module and document modules the documents module are initially available. You always need to use contacts (persons , and organizations), since users are created based on contacts, and without users, there is no use.Documents because from contacts, system users (which need to log into Workplace Management) are created. See Creating users for more information.

Documents are used throughout the system and can be uploaded in almost every other object, object (like requests, work orders, assets, etc), therefore this module is also always activated.

Any other module (including the other master data objects like PropertiesBuildings, Areas, Assets, and Catalog items) must always be activated via the module activation option on the startboard of for level 2 and level 3 administrators. (For more information about administrators levels, see 'Administrator levels'

How it works

When clicking on the Module activation option, multiple options are shown (The overview depends on already activated or deactivated modules) and via the includes, a solution (if applicable) or module can be selected to be activated:


: Administrator level)

The module activation is used to guide the user through the (short) process of setting up a module with the most relevant default settings and options. Once a module is activated, the (default and in some cases additional) settings are managed via the module settings, which can be found on the administrator startboard.

How a module activation works

Configuration is needed to activate a module. The module activation process guides the user through the module (or solution) configuration options required to activate the module or solution. These steps consist of (pre-defined or selectable) settings, authorizations, imports, and workflow emails.

When selecting the ‘Module activation’ option, several overviews become visible. The content and visibility of the overviews depend on, if modules have already been activated or not. Select the applicable module or solution you want to activate:


Solutions vs Modules

If no module or solution has yet been activated yet, the overview of the available solutions to activate is shown by default. A solution consists of several modules and is intended to provide the environment directly with all relevant settings, workflow emails, profiles and imports in one go for a given solution. For instance, Compliance as a solution also includes the master data modules ‘Properties and areas’ and ‘Assets’ modules (These these will also be automatically activated and the import templates applicable imports will become available), generates 3 default several default (out-of-the-box) user profiles, and automatically updates the logo of the client to the ‘Compliance’ logo instead of the ‘Workplace’ logo.

Once a solution is activated, or separate individual modules are activated, the option to activate a solution will disappear (As activating a complete . Activating a solution is only possible, if no other solution or module has been activated yet. This is because activating a solution will set basic default settings to certain values and this is not desired after a customer is already live with some modules)and might overwrite already manually set settings of previous activated modules.

It will still be possible to activate the a solution, by activating the combination of relevant modules (E.g. If compliance should be activated, it is also possible to activate the compliance module, Master data Properties and Areas module, and the Master data Assets module, and generate the relevant user profiles via the user profile management option.

The option to activate a module will always be available and is used to activate a specific module only.

Activating a module: What it does

If you select a module and press ‘Activate selected module’, a check is done if you are allowed to already activate the module, since some modules require other modules to be activated first. If this is the case, you will see a clear error message.

When a module is selected and activatedall applicable individual modules, related to the solution. Instead of activating the Compliance solution, the Master data: Buildings and areas module, Master data: Assets module and Compliance module can be activated separately.

When activating a solution, default user profiles are generated related to the solution. The relevant system groups are automatically assigned to the user profile(s).

When activating a module, there are no user profiles automatically generated. The user profiles need to be manually created and for each user profile, the relevant system groups need to be assigned.

Next to an activated solution, additional modules can always be activated separately.

What does the solution/module activation do?

Once a module is already activated, the module is also not shown in the overview with available modules to activate anymore. Some modules require another module to be activated first. For example, the Corrective work order module cannot be activated, if the Requests module has not been activated yet. When the user tries to activate a module with a not yet activated prerequisite module, an error is shown to the user, that the prerequisite module needs to be activated first.

When a module activation is executed, a two-step process is started to guide , guiding the administrator through the necessary options applicable for the module.

This process will look looks like the screenshot below, but details depend on the exact module or solution:


In general, the following automatically happens or should be done by youthe implementation consultant:

Before pressing ‘Start’:

  • [Automatically] The module is activated, resulting in:

    • The navigation menu options (if applicable) will become available to the relevant user groups (Every system groups. Next to the dedicated module system groups, every module option will also become automatically available to the for administrator users).

    • The relevant user system groups (related to the module) will become available to be assigned to user profiles via the user profile management option on the administrator startboard. (for For more information see Creating and managing the user profiles.

    • The module settings tab for this module will become available via the module settings ‘Module settings’ button on the administrator startboard. This can be used to change manage the settings and options (or to deactivate the module) later on.

  • [Automatically] Depending on the module, some of the settings are set to the most often used options (These can be seen via the ‘Predefined Settings’ tab (And determined by default. These pre defined settings can be found via the 'Pre defined settings' tab and can be changed via the module settings later on), if necesarry.

  • [Manually by the user] Enter the settings to be determined. Not al settings can always be preset and determining the correct option can be very customer-specific.

  • [Manually by the user] starting Starting the process to activate the module. This will bring you to the final step.


  • [Automatically] The available data imports are generated (if applicable)

  • [Automatically] The available workflow e-mails are generated (if applicable). If the workflow emails are not desired, all or some of the emails these can be deleted heredirectly from the overview in the module activation.

  • [Automatically] Depending on the module, some additional scripts are executed, that change or set some additional settings, translations, or otherwise relevant changes.

  • [Manually by the user] A checklist will be shown with specific steps still needed. Most often these mention doing the actual data imports and generating the user profiles. This checklist can be checked off, but this is only for informative purposes (how far are is register the progress of the implementation) and does not do anything technically.

  • [Manually by the user] If needed, the settings to be defined from the previous step are still available to set/changebe changed.

Closing the module activation process:Closing

Once the module is completely implemented, the module activation process after it is started does not lead to any additional automatic actions, apart from closing the process. As long as the process is not yet closed, it will be shown on the administrator startboard (can be closed. Depending on the module, there might be additional scripting, which is executed when closing the module activation.

Until the module activation is closed, it remains visible on the administrator startboard on the 'Not yet handled module activations) ' overview (visible for all level 2 and level 3 administrators. If all the tasks are handled within a module activation, it can be closed, to keep the list of still ongoing module activations clean.).

De-activating and re-activating modules

If a module is activated and is no longer relevant to use, it is possible to de-activate the module via the module settings:


Open the module tab of the applicable module and set the first setting (use of the module) to ‘no’‘No’. This will result in the following:

  • The module settings tab for the deactivated module will disappear again

  • The navigation menu options for the deactivated module will disappear (after a refresh)

  • The startboard tabs and options for the deactivated module will disappear (after a refresh)

  • The relevant user system groups for the deactivated module can no longer be selected for user profiles


Be aware though, that de-activating a module does NOT remove user system groups from profiles and users. So if a module is activated again later on, those users will directly have access to the options again.


  1. Start the module activation again via the regular optionmodule activation process. Be aware though, that this will reset all the settings back to the default values.

  2. Only active re-activate the module, without changing any of the other settings. This can be used if the module should be activated again, using the settings and options the same as before. This second option can also be found via the ‘Module activation’ option, via the last include:


Module activation and information


The following articles contain in-depth information and step-by-step activation instructions per module:

Rw pagetree macro
titleModule information and activationModules:

Masterdata: Assets module activation

Standard requests module activation

Corrective workorders module activation

Preventive workorders module activation

Reservations module activation

Checklists module activation

Workplace Experience: Reservations module activation

Contracts module activation

Employees and Inflow/Mutation/Outflow module activation

Meters and meterreadings module activation

Quotations/Tendering processes module activation

Visitors module activation
