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Table of Contents

Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll be able to:

  • To assign requests

  • Handle requests

  • How to use sub requests and work orders


What is a request?


If you make a request, you politely or formally ask someone to do something. Workplace Management can be used to register and handle requests.


titleAssign Requests

Assign Requests

When a request is created, and it is needed to assign someone to handle the request, you will see the request in your task overview on your startBoard. Click on the date to open it.

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  1. Check the details of the request; change or fill in missing field if needed

  2. Change the treatment group if necessary by using the “Treatment group” drop down field on the right of the screen.

  3. Assign the request to yourself or a colleague using the ‘Assigned to’ field. The page will refresh after selecting a person.

  4. The request can now be handled.


Good to know:
If you cancel the request, this cannot be undone (without the intervention of a system administrator)

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titleHow to handle a request?

How to handle a request

If a request is assigned to you can see it in your task list on your startBoard. Click on the hyperlink to open it.

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You have different options for proceeding with the request. Please note that depending on the module settings some buttons might not be available.

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  • Handled
    When an issues is handled. You can click ‘Handled’. Filling in a resolution is mandatory.

  • Send to Contractor
    If you can`t solve the request and a contractor is needed, use this this option and change the field “Handling by” to contractor via Email. The request will get the status ‘Contractor’ and will still editable for service desk employees.

  • Need information
    Sent the request back to the requester to ask for more information

  • Retract
    The status of the request will change back to “submitted” and various fields can be filled in again. For example use this if the request is assigned to the wrong treatment group. Don’t forget to assign the request again!

  • Create work order
    Used when you can`t solve the request yourself and a work order is needed to solve this request. After creating a work order, the status of the request workflow will change to ‘Awaiting work order(s)'. It is possible to create multiple work orders. To create another work order, simply navigate back to the request. After the work order has bene handled, the status of the request will change back to ‘handle’ and you will be able to further handle the request.

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titleDuplicate Requests

Duplicate Requests

It is possible to automatically determine if the request is a duplicate, this can be turn on and off in the module settings for the request module.

If a duplicate request is detected, the request will appear in your task list with text “Duplicate check request.” On opening the request, you need to check if the request is a duplicate or not.


About the proces

  • After a request is submitted by a user, Workplace checks if the request is a potential duplicate.

  • If the request is not a potential duplicate, the request proces continues as normal.

  • However, if the request is a potential duplicate (e.g. same problem type, in the same property, for the same asset) the request gets the status 'Duplicate check'.

  • The treatment group to whom the request is assigned now has the option to either:

    • Select a duplicate request. The status of the request now changes to ‘Duplicate’. The request now needs no further handling. Duplicate requests are automatically closed once the original request is closed. Or;

    • Determine that the request is in fact not a duplicate, the request proces continues as normal.

Options in the status 'Duplicate check'

  • Choose potential duplicate
    This request is potentially a duplicate of another open request. Select "Select possible duplicate" to get a list of possible duplicates. If you recognize a duplicate, select the request and press the “Set current request as a duplicate of the chosen request.” This request will be marked as a duplicate.

  • Request is not a duplicate
    If this request is not a duplicate, the request can be picked up further via the "request is not a duplicate" function.

Duplicate request checks

You can check for duplicates on different levels, the system admin can change the check duplicate settings via: Module settings > request tab.


titleSend to contractor (via email)

Send to contractor (via email)

If the request is sent to a contractor via email for further handling, the service-desk employee can see this request and have a few options to proceed.

  • Handle further
    For example the contractor has indicated that that request is resolved. The status off the request will change to “Handle.” The assigned person can proceed further with the request.

  • Cancel the request

  • Create a work order to solve the request

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titleCreating a work order

Creating a work order

  • Created work order are linked to the request and can be found via the ‘Workorder’ tab at the bottom of the page on the request.

  • Work orders can be created within a request and are used to plan, executed and monitor the work that comes from the request for contractors.

  • Users who are assigned to handle a request can create a work order for that request. By default the creator of the work order will become the person internally responsible for the it.

  • Work order that are created will be linked to the request and can be found in the ‘Work orders’ tab upon opening a request.

  • The corrective work order manager and the other members of the service desk group responsible for the request are also able to handle the work order.


If you manually put the request on “Handled”, beware that the work orders will not close automatically

For more info about handling work orders, please view the Corrective work orders article.


titleProblem types

Problem types

On requests you will find the field ‘Concerns’ in which the problem is selected. In the ‘Concerns’ field, so called problem types are set. These problem types are managed in a problem type scheme. The problem type scheme is configured during the implementation, but can be altered afterwards.

Managing problem types


Only admins and users with the required access have access to this menu option!

You can create or edit problem type schemes by navigating in the menu to “Problem type schemes” under requests in the menu.


It is possible to have multiple schemes, but typically each environment will have one problem type scheme.

  • To edit a problem type scheme click on the reference (or magnifying glass)

  • To create a new one, press the “New” button


Changing an existing problem type scheme

Use the following instructions to add a new problems to a scheme.

  • Changing the problem type impact the functionality of the request workflow.

  • When you delete a problem type, users can no longer select it. For requests that already existing the problem type will be empty.


After opening a problem type scheme press the button “Problem Types.”


Press the “Search” button


You can edit/add new problem types and new solution groups in this screen.

  • add a new solution group by using the “New solutiongroup”

  • add a new problem type by using the “New” button

  • Click on a problem type to edit a problem type.


Problem types can be classified under different parents, it will take over certain settings of the parent, like treatment group.


Here you you can fill in or edit the details of a problem type.

If you want to use sub requests, you will need to change the setting to yes and enter the sub requests in the include below.


You have to assign a “Treatment group” to problem type.


The article om problem types is under construction, the link to that article will be added here in the near future.


titleSub requests

Sub requests

Sub requests are requests that are automatically created after a (main) request is submitted . This functionality can be used when a certain problem type has several default actions that need to be executed. Each action will be a separate (sub) request.

For example, there is a request for a cleaning the windows on the twelfth floor (it is a building with multiple floors, 12 floors). There are several (sub) requests needed to complete the request.

  1. Hire a window washer basket.

  2. Hire a window washer.

  3. Clean windows on the outside off the 12th floor.

  4. Clean windows on the inside.

The request will be automatically closed if all sub requests are handled.


Sub requests work exactly the same as ‘normal’ requests, hence no further explanation is given/ needed.


Rw ui textbox macro
  • If a request is assigned to you can see it in your task list on your startBoard.

  • Work orders can be created within a request and are used to plan, executed and monitor the work that comes from the request for contractors.

  • If the request is sent to an contractor via email for further handling, the service-desk employee can see this request and have a few options to proceed.

  • Sub requests are requests that can be automatically generated after submitting a (main) request.



It allows for prioritizing and assigning requests automatically based on the problem type the requestor selects. It is possible to send emails during several steps of the process, for example when a request is handled or the handler needs more information.

How to create a request?

To create a request, use the “Request” button on your startBoard.


Fill in the request details and press the “Submit” button to finalize the request.

  1. Select the problem type: Select the correct choice in the “Concerns” field for example, Cleaning.

  2. If the “Concern” has sub levels: select the appropriate sub-level.

  3. Enter the subject. For example, the toilets are dirty.

  4. Enter a short description of the request.

  5. Depending on settings/Concerns, fill in the property (floor/area).

  6. Select or scan (optional) an asset.

  7. Please select if you want to be informed about the request. If you leave the field empty you will be informed via email.

  8. Press “Submit” to send the request.

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Attaching documents

If needed, you can attach documents. This can be done by dragging and dropping or using the “Select files button.”


After submitting a request, you can find it back on your startBoard under the header “My open request.”
You can also search for your request using the “My request” button.



You cannot find requests that you forgot to submit. Requests that are not submitted will be automatically deleted after a couple hours. So don’t forget to submit your request!

Need information

In some cases, the person who is handling the request needs more information to be able to handle the request. The request will have the status “Action requestor” and will be shown in the task overview of the requester Per default this the person that created the request.

  1. Click on the hyperlink of the date to open the request.


  1. Fill in the requested information in the comment box at the bottom of the screen.

  1. Press the “Handle further” button to proceed, or click ‘Cancel’ if the request is no longer relevant.

  1. After clicking ‘Handle further’ the request is again send to the Servicedesk.


Review a request

If the request you have created is handled, there will be a task on your startBoard to be reviewed. The request will have the status “Handled at this moment. Click on the date to open it.


You will see two new buttons under the details of your request:

  • Approve: to approve how the request is handled, and the request will be closed.

  • Reject: Enter the reason for rejection in the comment section at the bottom of the page and press reject. The request will be sent back to the person assigned to the request.


titleCreate request for an asset using a QR code scanner

Create request for an asset using a QR code scanner

You can use any external QR code scanner to scan a QR code on an asset. Say the coffee machine is leaking water and you quickly want to report this. Simply scan the QR code, login into Workplace, and click the ‘Create request’ button!


By scanning the QR code, the asset will be linked automatically to the request.

  1. Open you QR code scanner. In most case this will be the camera or Qr code scanner App on your phone

  2. Scan the QR code you found on the Asset. An asset could be a coffee machine, laptop, tv, desk, etc.

  3. A login screen now appears (this step is skipped when your automatically logged in via SSO). Login using your Workplace Management username and password.

  4. The asset you just scanned now opens. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the ‘Create request’ button.

  5. The steps that now follow are the same as described in the previous section “How to create a request?”

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