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Difficulty: novice


Table of Contents

Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll:

  • Learn best practice tips & tricks

'Scan to book now' functionality - QR codes

  • When the client want to use QR codes to book a workplace, you should enable this setting BEFORE importing the areas.

  • Module settings > Cobundu tab > ‘Automatically generate QR codes = yes”.

  • When enabling this settings when there are already hundreds of areas/ workplaces in the system, this can cause performance issues.

Trouble shooting

Errors when setting up Cobundu Studio

Below is a list of common errors, when setting up Workplace Experience Studio and the possible causes and solutions:

Integration issues



Possible causes


Floorplan error in Cobundu Studio > floorplan tab: “Invalid location”



You get this error when a floor used to be linked, but is no longer is. You can find which floor it concern by looking up the 1210000000xxxxx number in report COBUNDU-011. This report can be found in Workplace Management via the ‘Cobundu reports’ tile on your startBoard.


Floor is hidden with the eye in Studio

Invalid location in floor mapping:

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  • The floor is no longer available. If a floor is linked to the External App in Workplace Management, it can be used to map the areas of that floor to the corrsponding floorplan. If the floor is no longer linked to the External App, the floorplan overview shows an invalid location.

Floors are created in Workplace Management, but I am not able to


select this floor in


Studio to map it to a floorplan.

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  • The floor or the building is not added to the



  • in Workplace Management.

  • The location mapping in Studio is not correct or not done at all.



on Studio start page



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  • Connection between


  • Workplace Management and Studio is


  • “broken”, due to the


  • incorrect URL, Access layer ID, or


  • Access Layer Secret.


  • The Workplace Management client URL does not exist yet, but is used in the configuration. (e.g.


  • https://<clientname>


Two or more External Apps are added to the WPM environment with the same Access ID (you can find the access ID in the ‘Trust relations’ include when you open an Eternal App).


Axxerion en Studio is broken, because the External App is deactivated. To fix: open the External App > in correct mode set the field ‘Commission = Active’.


Connection between Axxerion en Studio is broken, because the WPM environment was initialized, BEFORE the Cobundu Studio environment is connected to the WPM environment. To solve this: change the authorized system user in the external App to a user that has a user type OTHER than ‘System administrator’ (e.g. Administrator or Full user). Reason being, that a user with the 'System administrator' user type can not be used to log in once another user is created in the environment.


Internal server error in Cobundu Studio with a lot of random symbols behind the error message


Connection in Axxerion is broken, most likely due to:

  • Wrong URL

  • Inactive authorized user

  • No or wrong authorized user set in the external app. The ‘Cobundu integration’ user is typically set as the authorized system user. A wrong user is for example set when the WPM environment is already being configured by the Consultant BEFORE the integration between Axxerion and Cobundu is setup by Customer Support.

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  • ….)

  • System administrator linked to the TrustRelation of the External App in Workplace Management is inactive.

  • More than one External App in is created in Workplace Management with the same Access ID.

  • The External App in Workplace Management used for Workplace Experience is not active. The Commision field on the External App is set to Deactivated.

Login issues


Possible causes

(SSO) login issues


  • User is not


  • linked to the



Mail address is listed twice in Cobundu Studio for one tenant. Note: the mail address can also be left empty if a customer uses SSO. Mail address is for example used for 'forgot password'.


  • in Workplace Management.

  • The users email address is linked to


  • multiple users in Studio. The user can now not log in via SSO. The user needs to log in (no sso) with the username and password (e.g. spacewell.


  • testuser).



‘Seems like this e-mail address is in use in multiple tenants. Please login with you tenant ID.


  • Typical issue that implementation consultants run into. Your email address is linked to a user in more than one environment. As a result Workplace does not know what tenant to login into when using the email address.

    • To fix this make sure your email address is only linked to one tenant, or;

    • log in with the UID (= tenantName.user e.g. spacewell.producttest).

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Users are automatically created in Studio (via e.g. the AD), but the AxxerionId is not set.


  • User synchronization in Cobundu is performed once per day. Check the situation again one day later. Contact Support of the issue is not fixed.


  • If a user tries to login with an email address (via SSO) and the users email address is linked to users over multiple tenants, the error is shown. In this case, the user can login via the username and password.

Access issues


Possible causes

Workplace (for example a desk) is not reservable


or does not show up as reservable


Is “reservable = yes” on the room/ workplace?


Number of persons 1 or higher?


  • The room or workplace is not reservable in Workplace Management.

User can log into Workplace App,  but does not see the resources or floor plans


  • IWMS ID (the username in Workplace Management) not set in Studio. If this is not set, no access rights can be determined and access is none for all resources.

  • User not added to the External App

  • User does not have a user


  • profile in Workplace Management

  • User is blocked or archived in


  • Workplace Management

  • There are multiple External Apps in the WPM environment and the user added to both apps (they should not be)

Geographical area, Site, Building, Floor, Area not visible


on one or more touchpoints

  • No floor plan is configured

  • Area/Site/Building/Floor/Room is hidden


  • in Workplace Experience. Disabled objects are not show in any of the Workplace Experience touchpoints.

  • Objects not yet synced from Workplace Management to Workplace Experience (can take up to 6 hours)


  • Workplace Management categories not mapped


  • to Workplace Experience categories via ‘Location mapping’ in


  • Studio.


Added to the external App more than once.


Wrong hierarchy, check the mandatory hierarchy section in the Workplace Experience integration: Reservations module activation and information article.


Error when submitting a reservation:


‘Unable to save



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  • User is not added to the



  • The user


Error when submitting a reservation: “Trying to book a restricted reservable resource“



  • Case: user has this issue when creating reservation in the Workplace app and via touch points.

    • User has no acces (through profile or separate group) to the resource. Please check access in WPM and Studio.

  • Case: user has this issue ONLY when creating reservations via a meeting room display/ kiosk, but not in the Workplace app

    • WMP setting “Reserve on behalf of someone else =no” (change to yes) for the WMP user that is linked to the device from which the reservation is created. This issue occurs when a user has to identify before creating a reservation via a kiosk/ meeting room display.

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  • is not active in Workplace Management. The IWMS ID of the user in Studio can be used to find the corresponding user in Workplace Management

Other issues


Possible cause

Kiosk App not automatically updated

  • Installing from Google Play/ Windows Store/ iOS App store automatically updates to the new version.

  • When downloading and installing version from it will not automatically


  • update. A stand-alone version can be recognized by the fact that it says


  • ‘CUBUNDU Kiosk’ at the top left instead of


  • ‘Kiosk’.

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Rw ui textbox macro
  • This article contains some tips & tricks to increase the usability and user friendliness of the client environment.

  • Use the troubleshooting section to debug your implementation


  •  N/A

